问题 判断题

辅助账标记要求设在最底层的科目上。( )



解析: 辅助账标记要求设在最底层的科目上。



        Wearing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to your eyes. This

is not true for adults, although incorrect glasses may not be good for

children under 10. Ready-made glasses, and not wearing when you

should, won't do harm to your eyes, but you may see better with glasses

that are specially made for you.Watching too much television is bad for

your eyes. This is not true. People with easily affected eyes may find

they get red and aching from staring at a fixed distance for long periods,

but there won't be any lasting effects.Carrots will help you see in the dark.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body can change into vitamin

A, too little of which can cause night blindness. However, people in

most countries don't need to worry about vitamin A deficiency (缺乏),

night blindness is more likely to be connected with another vision problem.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Ready-made glasses will do harm to one's eyes.

B. Wearing the wrong glasses may do harm to children's eyes.

C. The human body is unable to change beta-carotene into vitamin A.

D. Watching less television may do harm to children's eyes.

2. Night blindness is most likely caused by _____.

A. staring for long periods

B. too much beta-carotene

C. not enough vitamin A

D. vision problems 

3. According to the article, eye problems can be corrected by _______ .

A. wearing specially-made glasses

B. performing eye exercises

C. cutting back on television

D. eating more carrots 

4. Watching too much television can cause _______ .

A. night blindness

B. lasting eye problems

C. a number of vision problems

D. eye trouble for a limited time 

5. The main purpose of this article is to _______ .

A. tell people of the importance of their eyes

B. tell people how to protect their eyes

C. tell people to have more carrots

D. tell people something more about their eyes



①CO(g)+2H2(g)CH3OH(g)                  △H1=-90.7kJ·mol-1

②2CH3OH(g)CH3OCH3(g) +H2O(g)    △H2=-23.5kJ·mol-1

③CO(g)+H2O(g)CO2(g)+H2(g)           △H3=-41.2kJ·mol-1





D.增大容器体积(2)在某温度下,若反应①的起始浓度分别为:c(CO)=1 mol/L,c(H2)=2.4 mol/L,5 min后达到平衡,CO的转化率为50%,则5 min内CO的平均反应速率为                  ;若反应物的起始浓度分别为:c(CO)=4 mol/L,c(H2)=a mol/L;达到平衡后,c(CH3OH)=2 mol/L,a        mol/L。

(3)催化反应室中总反应3CO(g)+3H2(g)CH3OCH3(g)+CO2(g)的△H        ;830℃时反应③的K=1.0,则在催化反应室中反应③的K      1.0(填“>”、“<”或“=”)。

(4)二甲醚的燃烧热为1455 kJ·mol1,则二甲醚燃烧的热化学方程式为


(5)“二甲醚燃料电池”是一种绿色电源,其工作原理如图所示。b电极是        极,写出a电极上发生的电极反应式