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     A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane
just took off.She told him that she would__1__the water in ten minutes.
     Thirty minutes later, when the passenger's ring for__2__sounded, the air hostess realized it at once.
She was kept so__3__that she forgot to deliver him the__4__.As a result, the passenger was__5__to
take his medicine.She hurried over to him__6__a cup of water, but to her surprise he__7__it.
     In the following hours on the__8__, each time the air hostess passed by the__9__, she would ask
him with a  10   whether he needed help or not.But the passenger   11   paid attention to her words.
     When he was going to get  12    the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to   13    him the
passengers' booklet(意见簿). She was very   14   .She knew that he would write down  15    words,
which might result in the loss of her job.  16    with a smile she handed it to him.
     Off the plane, she  17    the booklet and cracked a smile,    18   the passenger put it, "On the flight,
you asked me whether I need help or not for twelve times   19  . How can I refuse your twelve sincere
      That's  20   ! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?
( )1. A. take        
( )2. A. food        
( )3. A. tired      
( )4. A. water      
( )5. A. held on    
( )6. A. for        
( )7. A. refused    
( )8. A. seat        
( )9. A. customer    
( )10. A. glance    
( )11. A. never      
( )12. A. on        
( )13. A. hand      
( )14. A. glad      
( )15. A. important  
( )16. A. So        
( )17. A. hid        
( )18. A. if        
( )19. A. in all    
( )20. A. wrong      
B. bring      
B. drink      
B. silent    
B. help      
B. held up    
B. about      
B. accepted  
B. air        
B. passenger  
B. look      
B. often      
B. to        
B. take      
B. angry      
B. sharp      
B. Because    
B. tore      
B. for        
B. above all  
B. wonderful  
C. carry        
C. service      
C. calm        
C. milk        
C. held out    
C. with        
C. liked        
C. floor        
C. guest        
C. smile        
C. always      
C. off          
C. throw        
C. curious      
C. polite      
C. And          
C. opened      
C. after        
C. or else      
C. impossible  
D. hold        
D. medicine    
D. busy        
D. warning    
D. held down  
D. in          
D. hated      
D. flight      
D. visitor    
D. cry        
D. seldom      
D. from        
D. lend        
D. sad        
D. nice        
D. But        
D. closed      
D. when        
D. or so      
D. right      



现病史:患者于2周前吃生藕等食物,10天前突然出现畏寒、发热、头痛、头昏、咳嗽、面部潮红。当即到当地卫生院就诊,测腋表体温39℃,作为“感冒”给予 “泰诺” 口服及青霉素静脉注射治疗3天,患者病情无明显好转,持续发热,体温波动在38~39.5℃之间。7天前患者渐起出现腹痛,腹泻三次,为稀便,伴黏液少量脓血。其后患者表现不思饮食,精神萎靡不振,嗜睡。两天前患者突然出现精神异常,表现无故紧张、恐惧,怀疑有人要害她,夜间不眠,吵闹,常胡言乱语,有时称“看到有天兵天将从天上下来要杀她”,有时又称“看到空调里喷出毒气”,并冲动发脾气,拿茶杯砸人,经常自言自语,家人与其讲话不与理睬。家人感其病情严重,一天前入住某大学附属医院治疗。入院后,患者仍表现发烧,测肛表体温 40℃,体检发现相对缓脉,胸、腹、背部有散在玫瑰疹。查血常规:WBC 4.1×109/L,嗜酸粒细胞消失。血清肥达氏反应阳性。




体格检查:T 39℃,P 75次/分,BP 120/70 mmHg,R 22次/分。神志欠清,舌苔厚腻,舌质鲜红。胸、腹、背部有散在玫瑰疹,两肺呼吸音粗,未闻明显干湿性啰音,心律整齐,腹部平坦柔软,右下腹轻压痛,脑膜刺激征可疑阳性,四肢肌张力正常,腱反射活跃对称,病理反射未引出。


各项检查:血常规:WBC 4.1×109/L,嗜酸粒细胞消失。肥达氏反应阳性,(O)1:320,(B)1:80,(H)1:40。头颅CT:平扫未见明显异常。胸片:未见明显异常。心电图:窦性心率;T波异常。脑电图:广泛轻度异常脑电图。

