问题 单项选择题

問3 ここは [4]冬に [5]強い [6]風が ふきます。


A. あき








You have a special card which operates the electronic lock on your room door and a key for the main door of the door of the hotel. These are your responsibility and should never be lent to anyone, including your fellow classmates. If you lose them you will be charged £20 per replacement. Do not leave your room unlocked even for short periods. Unfortunately, theft from student hotels is very common and insurance companies will not pay for stolen goods unless you can prove that your room was broken into by force.


There are rarely any rooms available for visitors, except at the end of the summer term. Stan Jenkins, the hotel manager, will be able to tell you and can handle the booking. A small charge is made. Stan also keeps a list of local guesthouses, with some information about what they’re like, price, etc. You are also allowed to use empty beds for up to three nights, with the owner’s permission (for example, if the person who shares your room is away for the weekend ), but you must inform Stan before your guest arrives, so that he has an exact record of who’s in the building of a fire breaks out. Students are not allowed to charge each other for this.


There is a kitchen on each floor where light meals, drinks, etc. maybe prepared. Each has a large fridge and a food cupboard. All food should be stored, clearly marked with the owner’s name, in one of these two places. Bedrooms are too warm for food to be stored, and the cleaners have instructions to remove any food found in them. After using the kitchen, please be sure you do all your washing up immediately and leave it tidy. If you use it late in the evening, please also take care that you do so quietly in order to avoid disturbing people in nearby bedrooms.

小题1:If a friend visits you for the weekend, he or she can        .

A.stay at a local guesthouse

B.book an empty house for free

C.use an empty bed without permission

D.share your room by paying your roommate小题2:Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Your insurance will cover what you have lost.

B.The cleaners will take away food left in the bedrooms.

C.Spare rooms are least likely to be available in summer.

D.Students will be fined for lending their cards to others.小题3:The passage is probably taken from ____.

A.a travel guide book

B.a hotel brochure

C.a school poster

D.a club newsletter
