问题 阅读理解


     For many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. People, both in Japan

and in America, dream of seeing this beautiful island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Their dreams

always include the sunset over the ocean. The sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sea, and it drops

so quickly that you can almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow(霞光) that lights the skies and

shines in the quiet water.

     People often have a quiet, peaceful time while walking along the beach. The first strangers to these

islands centuries ago were who came from Tahiti in canoes(独木舟) .

     Now no matter where the people come from, they really want to see the original(原始的 ) beauty of

Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountain called Diamond Head which is almost

hidden by the tall hotels.

1. Hawaii is a name_______ .  

A. given by people who like to travel

B. attracting a lot of travelers.

C. with a magic story behind it

D. liked by both Japanese and American

2. Where is Hawaii?      

A. In Japan.

B. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean(大平洋).

C. In the center of America.

D. In the east of China.

3. On these beautiful islands every traveller will not want to miss _______.    

A. to swim in the quiet water

B. to see the tall hotels

C. to walk along the beach

D. to see the sunset

4. How  did  the  first  Polynesian (波利尼两亚) people come to Hawaii?

A. By bike.                  

B. On foot.

C. By bus.                    

D. By canoe.

5. The best title of this passage is _       .     

A. Islands

B. Hawaii, a Magic Name

C. Travelling in Hawaii

D. The Magic Beauty





某医院决定投资1亿余元,兴建一幢现代化的住院综合楼。其中土建工程采用公开招标的方式选定施工单位,但招标文件对省内的投标人与省外的投标人提出了不同的要求,也明确了投标保证金的数额。该院委托某建筑事务所为该项工程编制标底。2000年10月6日招标公告发出后,共有A、B、C、D、E、F等6家省内的建筑单位参加了投标。投标文件规定2000年10月30日为提交投标文件的截止时间,2000年月11月13日举行开标会。其中,E单位在2000年10月30日提交了投标文件,但2000年11月1日才提交投标保证金。开标会由该省建委主持。结果,其所编制的标底高达6 200多万元,与其中的A、B、C、D等4个投标人的投标报价均在5200万元以下,与标底相差1 000万余元,引起了投标人的异议。这4家投标单位向该省建委投诉,称某建筑事务所擅自更改招标文件中的有关规定,多计漏算多项材料价格。为此,该院请求省建委对原标底进行复核。2001年1月28日,被指定进行标底复核的省建设工程造价总站(以下简称总站)拿出了复核报告,证明某建筑事务所在编制标底的过程中确实存在这4家投标单位所提出的问题,复核标底额与原标底额相差近1000万元。

