(A)The independence is threatened. The ABC firm gets extra payment for overdue fees from Company Jia .It should be regarded as getting a loan from the client, which will threat the independence.
(B)The independence is not threatened. To give suggestions on choosing accounting principles and adjusting accounting balance is the work of an audit.
(C)The independence is not threatened. The team member C is a school mate of the financial manager of the client. Its not a close relationship so its not a threat to the independence.
(D)The independence is not threatened. The team member E’s friend is not an immediate family of E.E’s friend hold the securities of Company Jia but it cannot be regarded that D has a financial interest from the client.
(E)The independence is not threatened. The previous administration manager F has become the chief officer of the client. Because F has never been in the audit engagement of Company Jia, his present position has no influence on financing and it has been C years up to now, there is no threat to the independence.
(F)The independence is threatened. The team member G has a direct financial interest from the listed company Yi which is controlled by the client Jia. And Company Jia is important to Company Yi. So there is a threat to their own interest.