问题 问答题

审稿题:审读选题报告,按审稿的基本要求指出其中存在的不妥或缺漏。(本题20 分)  某出版社法律读物编辑室助理编辑张强撰写了一份图书选题报告交给编辑董萍。请你代董萍审核该选题报告,指出其中存在的问题退张强修改。  关于丛书《让法律走进大众生活》的选题报告前不久,媒体报道我国表彰了一批长期致力于普法宣传的有功人士,这从一个侧面说明加强法制建设、实现依法治国的重要性。我对相关背景进行了调查。调查结果表明,由于历史的原因,我国广大农民一般对法律懂得较少,惯于按老传统处事,由此引发的法律纠纷很多。为了向广大农民普及法律知识,特建议出版一套丛书,专门向广大农民普及法律知识。丛书将有助于提高农民的法律意识和依法处理矛盾纠纷的能力,有助于推动社会主义新农村建设。  本丛书以具有初中及以上文化程度的农民为读者对象,包括五种图书,涵盖民法(尤其突出婚姻家庭、经济合同、遗产继承等方面)、刑法、民事诉讼法、刑事诉讼法、行政诉讼法等主要法律领域。全套丛书采用案例加分析的体裁,通过对一些具体事件的细致分析,讲明法律知识。丛书中的每种书分别选择当前农村生活中比较有代表性的案例30~40个。结合案例进行分析时,针对农民出于传统习惯而存在的一些模糊认识作深入浅出的解释。  丛书中各书的篇幅不要求一致,每种大致上为13万~15万字。为使各书的厚度基本相等,有的采用正32 开本,有的采用大32 开本,均为骑马订装。考虑到广大农民的购买力现状,本丛书的售价应该比较低廉。为此,宜用定量为52 克/ 米2 的胶印书刊纸印制书心,用定量为80 克/ 米2 的书皮纸印制封面。正文采用疏排版式,案例部分用15级宋体字,讲解部分用15级黑体字。  目前图书市场上有不少法律知识读本,但大多是仅从理论上阐述法律的基本原理或解释法规条文,并且基本上都是笼统地以社会公众为读者对象,细分度不够。本书专门以农民为目标读者,并且所提及的事件与农民的日常生活密切相关,就较易为农民所接受。  本丛书拟请不久前荣获“杰出法学家”称号的埔江大学法学院院长沈建明教授主编,并由其选择合适人员组成编写组。沈教授及其带领的教师团队近年来有多部学术著作出版,并擅长结合实际案例讲解法律知识,曾分别到各地作法律知识普及报告上百场次,受到广泛欢迎。由沈教授担纲并落实各书作者,一定能够编写出符合要求的书稿。  如果本选题能够列选,拟请作者在1个月内完成书稿并由主编对全套丛书统稿,出版社再用约半年时间进行审稿和编辑加工等,预计在明年春节前出版。丛书出版后,委托各地的新华书店发行,并多写些书评在报刊上发表。通过这样的营销方式,总销量估计能够达到3万册以上。  以上设想,如无不妥,请准予列选。  法律读物编辑室 张强  5 月18 日


参考答案:(1)书名不妥,图书内容面向农民,丛书名却突出“大众”。  (2)缺漏丛书中每种书的书名。  (3)同一套丛书中的每种书开本应该统一。  (4)篇幅超过100面书页,不能采用骑马订装。  (5)考虑降低读者的经济负担,不宜采用疏排版式。  (6)作为正文主体文字之一的讲解部分,不能用黑体字。  (7)写作时间安排不当,每位作者需写作13万~15万字的书稿,且主编再须对全套丛书统稿,1个月时间相当仓促,难以保证书稿质量。  (8)营销方式过于单调。编辑出版网免费发布历年出版考试真题  (9)缺漏效益预测项目。  (10)落款缺漏年份。


Passage Four

Roger Federer Lights up the Arabian Night

Plenty of people will be glad Tim Henman was not here to trouble Roger Federer once more last night,as the seedings said he should have been.Popular with the expatriates though he may be,and capable of upsetting Federer though he undoubtedly is,there is nothing quite so stirring as seeing one of the most gifted world No l s of all in full cry.
Instead of struggling with his jinx player,Federer imposed a spell of his own.He beat Andrei Pavel,whom Henman beat in the Paris Masters final,by6-3,6-3,and strode the court like a ruler who knows his aura is expanding.
It carried the Swiss imperiously into a semi-finals of the Dubai Championships,where he will face Jarkko Nieminen.The Finn earned his place by defeating the Dutch No 8 seed Sjeng Schalken 6-3,6-3.
Federer insisted he was not at his best-"I haven’t wanted to chase the fines as much as I should,"he said.
Pavel was driven to distraction as it was.He had akeady lifted himself near the level he showed when he was in the top 20.But just when he looked as if he might prolong the second set, Federer struck.
He retrieved one ball from deep,outside the tramlines on the forehand side,turned and reached the next ball from short and outside the tramlines on the backhand side,and still somehow hit a controlled winner.It completed the decisive break of serve.
Pavel responded by launching a spare ball towards the sky and it landed on the whiskey tables in the lrish village below.The umpire uttered a code violation warning in little more than a whisper.It was as though he felt sympathy for the Romanian.
If Federer reaches tomorrow’s final he will play Spain’s Feliciano Lopez,whose Davis Cup debut came in the singles in the 2003 final in Melbourne,or Mikhail Youzhny,whose first Davis Cup experience was as a ball boy in the 1995 final in Moscow.
That spurred Youzhny to make a top-level breakthrough seven yearslater,and to develop perseverance which has been revealed this week in a 6-3,1-6,6-1 quarter-final win over Rafael Nadal yesterday in heat which would have made a camel protest,and in a recovery from two days’vomiting after eating Japanese seafood."My cap felt as if it weighed five kilos."he said.

It seemed that Andrei Pavel______.

A.played nearly at his highest level during the match

B.nearly beat Federer in the second set

C.had a break of serve by Federer

D.was completely controlled by Federer

单项选择题 案例分析题