问题 填空题

一年前的一个下着微微细雨的傍晚,下班后,我在我家小区门口遇到了一个久未谋面的老友,因为多聊了几句,耽误了回家的时间。这时,母亲打来了电话,想想离家也就一两分钟的工夫,我便没有接听。恰巧在这时,离小区不远的地方发生了一起车祸。听到消息的母亲顿时急了,穿着拖鞋就飞快地往楼下跑。不知是谁在楼道里扔了一块果皮,眼神不好的母亲不小心踩在了上面,重重地摔倒在地, (76)

那天晚上见到母亲的时候,她已躺在了医院的病床上, (77) 。听医生说,母亲摔坏了腿, (78) 。我流着眼泪,后悔莫及地望着病床上睡去的母亲,心里有一种难以言说的疼痛。一个被我忽略的电话,却成了母亲为我担心的理由,正是因为她时刻把我放在心中最重要的位置,才使她遭受了这种折磨。

正当我默默自责时,母亲翻了一下身, (79) 。我伸出手,将母亲那双被琐碎的家务磨得粗糙无比的手紧紧地放在我的怀里。母亲微微睁开眼睛,依稀看到了我,一丝开心的笑容立刻在她的脸上绽放开来。“平安就好,平安就好……”母亲那含混不清的言语, (80) ,刹那间,我的眼泪如开闸的洪水夺眶而出,久久不能干涸。















     Soon it would be the holidays. But before that, there were the end of year exams. All the students had

  been working hard for some time. If they didn't pass, they would have to retake the exams in September.

  There were usually a few who failed, but Kate decided not to be one of them. She had worked hard all

 day, but just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister was worried about her. She was

 staying up too late. The night before the first exam, Barbala insisted  (坚持) that she should have an

 early night and take a sleeping pill. She promised (许诺) to wake her in the morning.

     As she was falling asleep, Kate was worried in case (万一) she over-slept. Her mind kept jumping

  from subject to subject. At last, with the help of the pill, she fell asleep. In no time at all, she was sitting in

  the examination hall, looking at the paper. She couldn't answer any of the questions. Everyone round her

 was writing pages and pages. However hard she thought, she couldn't find anything to write about. She

 kept looking at her watch. Time was running out. There was only one hour left. She started one question,

 wrote two sentences, gave up and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two

  sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started crying. Her whole body shook (摇晃,震颤).

 It shook so much that it woke her up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible dream. A minute

  later, Barbala called her name.

1. Which of the following is true?

    A. All the students were usually successful in their exams.

    B. Most of the students usually passed the year exams.

    C. Only some of the students could pass the end of year exams.

    D. None of the students would take the exams again in September

2. Kate worked very hard before the exams for _____.

    A. she was very poor at her lessons.    

    B. she decided to be the best one in her class.

    C. she didn't work hard all year.        

    D. she didn't want to fail in them.

3. Why did Barbala insist that Kate should take a sleeping pill?

    A. Because she thought Kate should oversleep before the first exam.

    B. Because Kate was so worried about her exams that she couldn't go to sleep at all.

    C. Because Barbala hoped her sister would have a good sleep before the first exam.

    D. Because she had promised to wake her up the next morning.

4. Kate dreamed a terrible dream simply because _____.

    A. she had taken a sleeping pill.        

    B. she was too worried about her exams.

    C. her sister had forgotten to wake her up.

    D. she did not pass the exams.

单项选择题 B型题