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       When should you start to buy Christmas presents?One week before the day? Two weeks?

Western children start buying presents months before Christmas Day. As the day comes nearer,

children write lists of what presents they want to give and receive.

        Big shopping streets get crowded from late November. Everyone counts down"the number

of shopping days left until Christmas". Stores put up colored lights, and Christmas trees. You will

hear Christmas songs like Jingle Bells in shop after shop. Some stores offer many dolls, stuffed

animals and computer games. You can play with them to see if you like them-there are people to

show you how things work.

       People try to get to the shops early, to buy presents before they sell out. In the week before

Christmas, shops stay open late. Some stores open their doors at 9 am and close them at 9 pm,not

9 am until 5:30 pm as normal. It's very tiring for salespeople !

       Some people save for months before the holiday,to have enough money to spend on their friends

and family. But not everyone goes shopping for Christmas presents. Some people like to make their

own gifts and cards.

1. When should Western children start to buy Christmas presents?

A. December.              

B. November.

C. October.                

D. September.

2. You may see some things in stores during the Christmas season except ___ . 

A. computer games          

B. Jack-O-Lanterns

C. colored lights            

D. Christmas trees

3. People try to get to the shops early to buy presents because         .

A. the shops have many presents

B. the shops stay open late

C. they are afraid to buy no presents

D. the shops are crowded

4. You can go shopping at        in the week beforeChristmas.   

A. at 8 am                

B. at 9 am

C. at 10 pm                

D. at 11 pm

5. The article is mainly talking about         

A. Christmas trees

B. Christmas parties

C. Christmas presents

D. shopping for Christmas


1-5 B B C B D


(1)12月3日,向甲企业赊销A产品50件,单价为20000元,单位销售成本为 10000元。
(3)12月18日,丙企业要求退回本年11月25日购买的20件A产品。该产品销售单价为20000元,单位销售成本为 10000元,其销售收入400000元已确认入账,价款尚未收取。经查明退货原因系发货错误,同意丙企业退货,并办理退货手续和开具红字增值税专用发票。
(6)12月31日,计算本月应交纳的城市维护建设税8377.6元,其中产品销售应交纳7544.6元,销售材料应交纳833元;教育费附加3590.4元,其中产品销售应交纳3233.4元,销售材料应交纳 357元。