问题 填空题

Questions 19-25

·Read the following article from a magazine and answer questions 19-25.
·For questions 19-25, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
·Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

The Big Easy on the Brink

A Category 5 hurricane would come barreling out of the Gulf of Mexico, It would cause Lake Pontchartrain, north of New Orleans, to overflow, pouring down millions of gallons of water on the city. Then things would really get ugly. Evacuation routes would be blocked. Buildings would collapse. Chemicals and hazardous waste would dissolve, turning the floodwaters into a lethal soup. In the end, what was left of the city might not be worth saving. "There’s concern it would essentially destroy New Orleans," says Suhayda, a water-resources expert at Louisiana State University.
New Orleans has always had a complicated relationship with the water surrounding it. Everyone told the first settlers this was the wrong place to build a city. It is wedged precariously between the mighty Mississippi and Lake Pontchartrain, and most of it was once swampland. Aggravating the problem is the fact that much of New Orleans is below sea level, so that after a good rain, the water just settles in. There is now a decent pumping system, which helps. Old-timers, however, still talk of the days when, after a bad storm, bodies were washed out of the cemeteries.
What is threatening New Orleans is a combination of two man-made problems: more levees and fewer wetlands. The levees installed along the Mississippi to protect the city from water surges have had an annoying effect: they have actually make it more vulnerable to flooding. That’s because New Orleans has been kept in place by the precarious balance of two opposing forces. Because the city is constructed on 100 feet of soft silt, sand and clay, it naturally "subsides", or sinks, several feet a century. Historically, that subsidence has been counteracted by sedimentation: new silt, sand and clay that are deposited when the river floods. But since the levees went up-mostly after the great flood of 1927—the river has not been flooding and sedimentation has stopped.
New Orleans’ other major man-made problem is that its wetlands and its low-lying barrier islands are disappearing. The Louisiana coast is losingl6,000 acres of wetland each year, mostly as a result of population expansion into once pristine areas, destructive oil and gas drilling, pollution and land loss through lack of sedimentation. As it turns out, wetland, and barrier islands aren’t just nice to look at; they are also a key natural barrier to hurricanes. (Every 2.7miles of wetland absorbs a foot of storm surge.) As the wetlands go, the chance of a hurricane blowing the city away grows.
So far, little has been done to save the city. However, while the grimmest of the doomsayers warn that New Orleans could be next Atlantis, some laid-back residents are saying that it could just as easily become the next Venice and that after the flood, the good times won’t roll—they’ll float.

The rising levees make flooding more likely to happen because ______.

A.they have stopped sedimentation

B.they have blocked the escaping avenues

C.the higher the levees go, the faster the city sinks

D.the levees are not p enough to protect the city



解析: 本题是推理题。第3段最后一句提到,防水堤修建的越来越高,却一直没有再发生过洪水,导致地质沉淀也停止了。因此,对建筑物下沉的反作用也会越来越小,修高的防水堤更可能导致洪水暴发。因此,选A。



材料一 :他们中间的大多数和最坚强的人,却开始团结起来,互相激励,不要在这些富人的侵害面前屈服,要选出一个可靠的人,作为他们的领袖,去释放那些已被定罪的负债者,重新分割土地,并对政治制度进行彻底的改革。



材料二: (王安石)于是上万言书,以为:“自古治世……患在治财无其道尔。”……青苗法者,以常平糴本作青苗钱,散与人户,令出息二分,春散秋敛。均输法者,以发运之职改为均输,假以钱货,凡上供之物,皆得徙贵就贱,用近易远,预知在京仓库所当办者,得以便宜蓄买。……免役之法,据家赀高下,各令出钱雇人充役,下至单丁、女户,本来无役者,亦一概输钱,谓之助役钱。市易之法,听人赊贷县官财货,以田宅或金帛为抵当,出息十分之二,过期不输,息外每月更加罚钱百分之二。保马之法,凡五路义保原养马者,户一匹,以监牧见马给之,或官与其直,使自市,岁一阅其肥瘠,死病者补偿。方田之法,以东、西、南、北各千步,当四十顷六十六亩一百六十步为一方,岁以九月,令一佐分地计量,验地土肥瘠,定其色号,分为五等,以地之等,均定税数。         ——《宋史》卷三百二十七

材料三 :大凡国之强弱,由人民之贫富;而人民之贫富,系物产之多寡。而物产之多寡,虽以人民之勉励工业与否为其胚胎,然寻其源头,未尝不赖政府政官诱导奖励之力。




(2)结合材料二与所学知识,为解决财政危机,王安石在“治财有道”的过程中采取了哪些与富商争夺利益的措施? (3分)

