问题 填空题

Questions 9-13

·You will hearfive speakers talking about advantages or disadvantages about cloning.
·For questions 9-13, choose from the list A-F which advantage or disadvantage they are talking about.
·Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
9. Speaker 1: ______
10. Speaker 2: ______
11. Speaker 3: ______
12. Speaker 4: ______
13. Speaker 5: ______
  • A. The element of uncertainty
  • B. Reverse the aging process
  • C. Helping infertile couples
  • D. Potential benefits to modern medicine
  • E. Improving food supply
  • F. The potential for abuse



Cloning could provide a means of cultivating plants that are stronger and more resistant to diseases, while producing more. The same could happen to livestock as well where diseases such as foot and mouth disease could be eradicated. Cloning could therefore effectively solve the world’s food problem and minimize or possibly eradicate starvation.
