问题 不定项选择 案例分析题

一般资料:求助者,男性,28岁,公司副总经理。因恋爱问题苦恼,主动前来咨询。 案例介绍:求助者是家中的独子,年轻有为,气质高雅。大学时曾与同班同学恋爱,原准备毕业后结婚,后因分居两地,各自难以放弃自己的事业而分手。求助者为此痛苦了好几年。一年前结识现在的女友,已准备结婚,买了房也装修完了。一个多月前,前女友找到求助者,表示几年来历经磨难,现在知道了初恋的感情是最无价的,提出愿搬来本市,尽快与求助者结婚。求助者不知如何是好,内心很矛盾,也很痛苦,主动前来咨询。 下面是心理咨询师与求助者的一段咨询对话: 心理咨询师:你需要我帮你解决什么心理问题呢? 求助者:情况我都说过了,我不知道该怎么办,你能告诉我吗? 心理咨询师:对这件事你想怎么办呢? 求助者:我也不知道,所以就来咨询了。 心理咨询师:那你现在想想可以吗? 求助者:我早想过了,但想不出结果。 心理咨询师:那你能说说你都想了什么吗? 求助者:我特别喜欢我原来的女朋友,那是我的初恋,当年分手了,我痛苦了好几年。后来交了现在的女朋友,都准备结婚了,前女友又回来了,我倒不恨她,两个人比较起来我还是喜欢她的,我想和她结婚。可是朋友、家人都反对,而且现在的女朋友怎么办?她对我确实挺好的,既漂亮又贤惠懂事,她知道了这件事都没有怪我,而且都走到这一步了,怎么办呐?我现在都快烦死了,为这事吃不下、睡不着,工作也没精打采,什么事都不想干。我今天来就是想让你告诉我到底该怎么办? 心理咨询师:你开车到外地,走高速又平又快,但要交钱。走国道,不交钱,但路不平,有红绿灯,可能堵车,耽误时间。你说你怎么走啊? 求助者:我就想快,还不花钱。 心理咨询师:想快还不想花钱,那怎么走啊? 求助者:(沉默)……没法走。 心理咨询师:没法走,但要出门办事,怎么办? 求助者:(沉默)……只能选一个走。 心理咨询师:选哪个? 求助者:我可能会根据出行的目的来选择。 心理咨询师:你想想,你不知道该选哪个人结婚,不就是像不知道怎样走路一样吗?因为两个人各有利弊,你不是不知道怎样做,你是选哪个都只要利,不要弊,是吗? 求助者:好像是这样的,我明白了,您的意思是说我太追求完美了吗? 心理咨询师:你觉得呢? 求助者:我懂了,我知道该怎么办了…… 心理咨询师:你看,通过心理咨询,你获得了成长,解决了自身的问题,我为你高兴,你最后选了谁,告诉我一声好吗?







参考答案:A, C


III 、阅读理解

London Thursday July 26 (Reuters)---Ian Johnstone missed his girlfriend so much that he flew back to Britain from Australia to propose to her(向……求婚). The problem is that she flew in the opposite direction.

He and Amy Dolby could even have met each other when they sat in the same airport waiting-room in Singapore at the same time to wait for connecting flights(航班).

Dolby, heartbroken when she arrived at Johnstine’s Sydney apartment to find he had flown to London, told the times: “It was as though someone was playing a cruel joke on us. He is the most romantic(浪漫的) person I have ever known. I think our problem is that we are both quite impulsive(冲动的)people. We are always trying to surprise each other.”

After an 11,000-mile flight across the globe, she was greeted by Johnstone’s astonished flat mate asking what she was doing there.

“The terrible truth dawned (明朗)when I found that Ian’s suitcase and most of his clothing were missing. I sat on the end of his bed and cried my eyes out. And that really made me angry,” she said.

Johnstone, a 27-year-old bricklayer, had taken a year off to travel around Australia. But he was missing Dolby, a 26-year-old secretary, so much he got a job on a Sydney building site(建筑工地)and started saving for surprise.

He then flew home to Britain and went to her apartment armed with an engagement ring(订婚戒指), champagne(香濱酒) and flowers.

“I really missed Amy and I had been thinking about her all the time. I thought she was winding me up when she phoned me from Australia,” he said.

Johnstone then asked Dolby to marry him on the phone. “I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but I accepted,” she said.

Dolby was given a short tour of Sydney by Johnstone’s friends and Johnstone had to stay in Britain for two weeks because he could not change his ticket.

1. It can be learned from the text that_______.

A. Dolby was heartbroken when she heard Johnstone refused to see her.

B. Johnstone worked in Sydney and went to Britain on business

C. Dolby was greeted by Johnstone’s flat mate at the airport

D. Johnstone failed to see Dolby in her apartment in Britain

2. According to the text, it seemed that_______.

A. Dolby wanted to go sightseeing in Sydney alone

B. Johnstone and Dolby could have seen each other in Singapore

C. Dolby stayed longer in Sydney than Johnstone stayed in Britain

D. the young lovestruck couple had both intended to propose to each other

3. When Johnstone asked her to marry him on the phone, Dolby felt_______.

A. nervous and shy                B. cheerful and angry

C. excited and shocked             D. confused and sad

4. Which of the following shows the right order of what happened in the text?

a. Johnstone flew back to Britain to propose to his girlfriend, Amy Dolby.

b. Johnstone started working at a Sydney building site.

c. Johnstone went to Amy’s apartment in Britain with an engagement ring.

d. Johnstone proposed to Dolby over the phone.

e. They were waiting for their connecting flight in the airport lounge in Singapore.

f. Dolby called Johnstone from Australia.

A. b-a-d-e-c-f      B. c-a b-e-f-d       C. b-a-e-c-f-d      D. b-a-f-e-c-d
