1. 吸烟会让他的病情加重,除非他立即戒烟。
Smoking will make his illness worse ________.
2. 叫他们按时上交作业,不要再上网了。
Tell them ________ their homework on time and not to surf the Internet ________.
3. 多好的消息啊!所有驾驶员5月1号起不允许酒后驾驶了。
________ news! All drivers are ________ to drive after drinking from May 1.
4. 在考试中关注细节,我们取得好成绩并非难事。
It's not difficult for us ________ in the test ________ paying attention to the details.
5. 中国在世界的政治、经济舞台上正扮演着越来越重要的角色。
Now China —________ on the world's political and economic stage.