In the dining room of my grandfather’ s house stood his heavy clock. Meals in the dining room were a (21) for our four generations to become one. My grandfather’ s clock always stood like a trusted old family friend, (22) us playing jokes and tellingstories, which was already a (23) of our life.
When I was a child, the old clock interested me. I watched and listened to it during (24) I was surprised how at (25) times of the day, the clock would strike three times, six times or more, with a wonderful great (26) that echoed throughout the house. The clock chimed year after year, a part of my (27) , a part of my heart.
Even more (28) to me was my grandfather’s special action each day. He meticulously (29) the clock with a special key each day. The key was magic to me. It (30) our family’ s magnificent clock ticking and striking all year round.
2011年10月24日,十一届全国人大常委会第二十三次会议听取了国务院关于提请审议《中华人民共和国居民身份证法修正案(草案)》议案的说明。草案拟规定,要尽快结束第一代居民身份证与第二代居民身份证同时并用的局面,明确第一代居民身份证废止期限,自2013年1月1日停止使用。一代身份证与二代身份证相比有不少的缺陷,下列各项不属于第一代居民身份证自身缺陷的是( )。
A.防伪性能比较差 B.制作工艺比较繁琐,制作周期也比较长C.身份证号码混乱,易出现重复现象 D.核查的手段比较落后,辨认效率低