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(2004年)   第五题(本题12分):   案情:某市公安局于1999年1月4日对刘某(男,24岁)、张某(男,21岁)持刀抢劫致人重伤一案立案侦查。经侦查查明,刘某、张某实施抢劫犯罪事实清楚,依法应当追究刑事责任。刘某、张某抢劫案于1999年3月30日侦查终结,移送市人民检察院审查起诉。市人民检察院审查后,认为该案部分事实、证据尚需补充侦查,遂退回市公安局补充侦查。补充侦查完毕,再次移送市人民检察院。市人民检察院认为事实清楚、证据充分,遂向市人民法院提起公诉。   法院审理过程中,被告人刘某当庭拒绝法院为其指定的辩护人为其辩护,要求自行委托辩护人;张某拒绝其自行委托的辩护人为其辩护,要求法院为其指定一辩护人。合议庭经研究,同意二被告请求,并宣布延期审理。重新开庭后,张某在最后陈述中提出,其参与抢劫是由于刘某的胁迫,由于害怕刘某报复,以前一直不敢说,并提出了可以证明被胁迫参与抢劫的证人的姓名,希望法院从轻判处。   法庭审理后认为,被告人张某、刘某构成抢劫罪,后果严重。根据刑法有关规定,判处刘某死刑,缓期2年执行;判处张某有期徒刑10年。一审判决后,刘某不服,以量刑过重为由向上一级法院提出上诉;张某未上诉,市人民检察院亦未抗诉。   问题:






TOKY—Our kids, the Japanese government announced, have forgotten how to behave. They can’t be bothered with housework. If they see someone being wronged, they probably look the other way.
Few countries have placed more importance on being well-behaved in public than Japan. The simplest requests for directions often result in guided tours. Smiling shopkeepers are still the rule. Lost wallets usually make their way to their owners.
But according to recent surveys, all that may be going the way of the ancient hairdo. And Japan’s government has gone into something of a crisis mode.
A Japanese Education Ministry Survey formed late in 1999 and made public last month found that Japan moves behind other nations in teaching youngsters right from wrong.
It also reported that Japanese children are less helpful and do far less housework than their foreign peers in all classes. But they are better about taking dirty dishes to the kitchens after dinner.
In addition, Japanese kids are more likely to dry their hair and carry cell phones than American and Chinese kids, according to another survey, by a Tokyo-based tank.
Children in about 8 percent of public school classrooms are so disorderly that teachers cannot hold lessons, further recent reports show. children refuse to sit, to listen or to stop talking.
Older and middle-aged Japanese continue to have a solid sense of good manners and social justice, says Professor Yoshina Hirano from Shinshu University, who was appointed to direct the ministry’s survey.
Despite the knowledge of good manners among adults, the breakdown in manners may be spreading, he said.

From the first paragraph, we can infer that ______.

A. the Japanese government had gone bad
B. kids in Japan have a bad memory
C. kids in Japan seldom help their parents with housework
D. kids in Japan are too busy to help others