问题 单项选择题

方孝孺因为不肯为永乐皇帝起草登位诏书,被杀了头,历来称为“迂夫子”。《儒林外史》第二十九回,杜慎卿道:“方先生迂而无当。天下多少大事,讲那皋门、雉门怎么这人朝服斩于市,不为冤枉的。”杜慎卿在书中是一个风流潇洒、挥金如土的贵公子,可是当唱戏的鲍廷玺向他借钱求援时,他却指使鲍去找正在变卖田产过日的堂兄杜少卿,自己推得干干净净,真是精明极了。《儒林外史》的作者吴敬梓是个正直的人,决不会把自己对方孝孺的正面看法,借这样一个人物的口发表出来,所以这不是吴敬梓的真实意见。但是杜慎卿说的这段话,却也代表一些讲“实用”的人的主张,在他们看来,方孝孺不懂应天顺人、见风使舵,迂得可厌,确实该杀的。 作者用一处闲笔写《儒林外史》中杜慎卿不愿出钱,借故推托一事,下列对作者的用意分析不正确的一项是( )







解析: “说明他在《儒林外史》一书中恰当地位”无从体现。故选C项。



The famous Peking University and Tsinghua University held graduation ceremonies on the same day last year. The presidents of the two universities delivered excellent speeches at the ceremonies as they used words, phrases or ways of expression that are very popular on the Internet.    小题1:   .

Their speeches were warmly welcomed by students as they contained many fashionable words today, such as “ floating clouds”( meaning “ too small and of little importance to mention”). In the speeches, these university presidents recalled campus life together with students and finally moved all the audiences.    小题2:   .

Many university presidents have changed their regular manner of addressing graduation ceremonies from an advising and preaching(说教) mode to a more fashionable and funny approach.    小题3:   .

In the past, university presidents’ speeches were criticized for being too standard and lacking sentiment(多愁善感). Now, they use fashionable words in their addresses, reflecting they are starting to adopt more everyday attitudes to students.    小题4:  . The discussion focuses on the question of whether university presidents should speak in an informal way at graduation ceremonies.

Supporters agree with the new approach.    小题5:  . Opponents argue the new ways have no practical value or significance for education but are merely to please those leaving university.

A.The speeches were very different from the usual run of lectures.

B.The use of these new expressions has caused heated argument.

C.They try to use those words popular among young people in their speeches.

D.The expressions and phrases popular online are not accepted by all the audience.E.They consider it good to build close ties with students by using the youth’s own words.

F.They hold the idea that it is not proper to use such informal language in the graduation ceremony.

G.At the same time, graduation speeches by other university presidents were also under the spotlight for the same reason.
