问题 问答题



参考答案:药浴注意事项①临床应根据病情,按“寒者热之,热者寒之”的治疗原则,选择相应温度的药浴法。②药浴的时间依药浴液温度而定,水温越高,时间越短。 ③严重的心、肺疾患和有出血倾向者禁用 39℃ 以上的热水全身浸浴。 ④皮肤有伤口者、对药浴液过敏者以及正处月经期的妇女,禁用药浴法。⑤饭前、饭后半小时内不宜全身浸浴。⑥全身浸浴时和浴后,注意避免风寒,秋冬尤须避风。


One day last November, Tom Baker stopped out of his house into the morning light and headed across the rice fields toward the bank of the Rapti River. Tom, a 32-year-old school teacher in the farming village of Madanpur, was going for his morning bath.

As he approached(走近) the river, the head of a tiger(老虎) suddenly appeared over the edge of the river bank. Before he could turn to run, the tiger was upon him. It jumped on his shoulder and threw him to the ground, its huge jaws attacked his head in a killing bite.

Peter Smith was also on his way to the river and saw the attack. He screamed. The tiger lifted its head and roared(吼叫) at him. Peter ran.

From the window of his house John Brown heard the tiger roar and ran out to see it attacking a man. He screamed, too, and all the villagers ran out shouting as the tiger dropped its victim(牺牲品) and ran off. When the villagers reached the river bank, Tom was already dead.

For the villagers, the horror of the incident intensified(加剧) by the tales of man-eating tigers that has once run around in the countryside, killing hundreds.

小题1:How many people saw the tiger before it was driven off?

A One person.       B. Two persons.       C. Three persons.      D. Four persons.

小题2:The reason why the tiger attacked the man was     .

A.it was hungry

B.it was angry

C.it was frightened by the man

D.not mentioned in the passage小题3:When did the attack take place?

A.Early in the morning

B.At noon

C.Late in the afternoon

D.At five before dark小题4:According to the passage, the underlined word screamed in the third paragraph    probably means ____.

A.gave a sharp cry because of fear.

B.shouted out for help.

C.made some loud noise.

D.cried out in pain.