问题 问答题



参考答案:(1)产业资本的循环是建立在现代大机器生产基础之上的,大机器生产的特点是生产的连续性,这就要求产业资本能够实现连续不断地正常循环。产业资本正常循环必须具备两个条件:1)必须保持产业资本三种职能形式在空间上并列存在。就是说,全部资本必须按一定比例分割为货币资本、生产资本和商品资本三个部分,才能保证资本循环的连续进行。 2)必须保持产业资本的每一种职能形式的依次转化,在时间上相继进行。就是说每一种资本都必须连续不断地通过资本循环的三个阶段,相继进行转化。无论哪一种资本职能形式在循环中发生停顿,都会使产业资本循环发生中断。


Part 4

Questions 26-45

·Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
·Forquestions26-45, markoneletterA, B, C or D on the Answer Sheet.
Both (26) and zoology are parts of a more general field of science, biology. The two are studies of (27) things, which share certain characteristics, (28) they are plants or animals. Botany deals with plants, whose organisms that can (29) their own food by the use of sunlight. Zoology on (30) hand, deals with animals, those organisms that cannot manufacture their own food and are thus dependent (31) plants for their food.
(32) plants and animals share many abilities, the extent (33) which plants can exercise some of those abilities is (34) . For example, both plants and animals need food, water, and warmth for growth, (35) plants can move to (36) those needs only by the slow extraction of their leaves and roots, while animals can move relatively (37) distances in relatively little time. When an animal is hurt with needle, the animal will (38) the part of the body (39) . This ability to draw back (40) pain or irritation, called irritability, is found only to a very limited extent in plants.
If plants (41) the same (42) as animals, animals would have had a more difficult time finding food. If animals were as limited as plants, they might (43) a means of manufacturing their own food, as plants do now. The world would be a very different place (44) it is if the characteristics of plants and animals were (45)




