问题 选择题

某人因车祸受伤,其表现症状是可以听到声音,却不能理解它的意义。这个人大脑受损伤的部位是[ ]







Thinking of starting to play tennis? Tennis is a great sport that requires mental preparation and physical agility(敏捷). The first part of being able to play the game properly is understanding the rules, and in this article, we’ll be discussing what are commonly agreed upon as the official rules of tennis. The rules of tennis are quite simple even though the game itself is complex.
Tennis should be played on a court that is built according to certain requirements. The court should be 78 feet long. For a singles match, the court should be 27 feet in width, and for doubles matches, the court’s width should be 36 feet. The net’s height should be 3 and a half feet. Service lines should be placed 21 feet each side of the net.
Opponent stand on opposite sides of the court. The player who delivers the ball to start the point is called the server. The player who stands opposite and cross-court from the server is the receiver. The right to serve, receive, choose your side, or give the opponent these choices is decided by a toss(投掷) of a coin. Once the choice of the sever or receiver is done, the first player chooses which side to start.
Tennis is a special game; it has special names given to the various points awarded. A score of zero is called out by saying “Love”, and from there, the points go to 15, 30 and 40. If both players get a score of 40, the game must become a tie-breaker, and a 40-40 score is announced by saying “Deuce”. In a “Deuce” situation, if a player gets a point, he is said to have “Advantage”. If a player with an “Advantage” gets another point, the game is over. If a player gets a point while the other has “Advantage”, the score is reset to “Deuce”.
Title:  56._________________ of tennis
Requirements for 57. _____________
a singles match
78 feet in length and 27 feet in width
a doubles match
78 feet in length and 36 feet in width
the net’s height
3 and a half feet
service lines
21 feet each side of the net
Rules of the server and the receiver
the server
58. __________ to start the point
the receiver
stands on the opposite side of the net
a toss of 59. ________
decides the right to serve, receive, choose your side, or give the opponent these choices
Special names of points
It occurs when a player wins a point in 60. ______.