问题 单项选择题

You have always dreamed of living abroad and now find that you have been selected to manage an international project headquartered overseas. The job sounds exciting, but you must consider certain things. For example, your native language is not spoken there. The weather is terrible: constant rain, high humidity, and occasional earthquakes. The food is completely different, and you will not be able to get those pastries you have loved since you were a child. You will live in an apartment that is half the size of the one you live in currently and that costs twice as much. The cultural differences are many and varied. As you list the pros and cons of a accepting the assignment, there is one question, above all others, that you must answer honestly before saying “yes” or “no”. That question is:

A.What common ground exists between the people with whom I will be working and me

B.How do I translate my cultural awareness and knowledge into functional skills that I can use on the project

C.How can I continue to refine my skills and to develop my level of cultural competence and adaptability

D.How adaptable am I



解析: 你一直以来梦想在国外生活。现在你被选派到海外去管理项目。这份工作听起来很好, 但是你也得考虑一些问题。比如, 你说的话当地人不说也不懂。当地气候不好, 经常下雨, 湿度大, 有时地震。饮食习惯完全不同, 你再也吃不到从小喜爱的点心。你将居住的公寓面积只有现在的一半, 租金却贵一倍。文化习惯差异很大。在你列出的利弊清单上, 有一个问题你必须首先考虑, 它是: A) 我与将要一起工作的人的共同点是什么 B) 我如何将自己的文化知识应用到项目上 C) 我如何继续完善自己的才干, 提高自己的文化适应能力 D) 我的适应能力如何 问的是首先要考虑的。其他选项有赖于选项D。只有适应能力强, 才谈得上考虑其他问题。
