问题 不定项选择 案例分析题

一般资料:求助者,男性,16岁,初中二年级学生。 案例介绍:求助者小学三年级时,父母离异,他和爷爷奶奶住在一起。其父后来再婚后又有了一个妹妹,他不喜欢继母和妹妹,恨自己的爸爸,也很少和母亲联系。父亲每周看他一两次,对他管教很严,只知逼他学习,却很少和他沟通。因为学习不努力,成绩较差,但他不以为然,认为学习好的同学品行都不好,而学习不好的同学心眼好。他不喜欢学习,觉得人活在世上用不着那么辛苦,还要上大学、考研,觉得轻轻松松活着挺好,顺其自然,以后能考上职高,学门技术也可以活得很好。但面对老师、家长的批评,也感到精神紧张、忐忑不安,恍恍惚惚不知道自己要干什么。经常有报复父母的心理,觉得自己有这种想法非常可怕,简直是没有良心,但又控制不住,故来咨询是否自己心理有问题。如有问题,要让父亲知道这是他逼出来的。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者居住在爷爷奶奶家,老人疼爱孙子,生活上照顾得很周到,管教较少,对学习成绩不太在意。父亲管教方式粗暴,求助者性格外向,生活懒散,控制力较差。对求助者进行了WAIS-RC测验,结果如下:









In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 (A, B, C and D) choices to complete the statement. You must choose the one which you think fits best. Then blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. The time for this section is 70 minutes.

Social control refers to social processes, planned or unplanned, by which people are taught, persuaded, or forced to conform to norms. In every society, some punishments or negative sanctions are established for deviant behavior. Without deviant behavior there would not be need for social control and without social control there would not be a way of recognizing the boundary between the acceptable and the unacceptable.
Social control may be either formal or informal. Informal mechanisms include expressions of disapproval by significant others and withholding of positive rewards for disapproved behavior. Most people internalize norms in the course of socialization. This is any group’s most powerful protection against deviance, in that the individual’s own conscience operates as an agent of social control. When informal sanctions fail, formal agents of social control may be called upon. In contemporary society, such formal agents and agencies include psychiatry and other mental health professions; mental hospitals; police and courts of law; prisons; and social welfare agencies. All these formal agents function to limit, correct, and control violation of norms. Conflict theorists would also point out that social control agents and systems tend, in any society, to serve the interests of powerful groups and to enforce the norms most beneficial to those who make the rules and who, therefore, define unacceptable behavior.
Social control, whether formal or informal, has a dual function. First, it punishes the wrongdoer and reaffirms the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Second, and less recognized, it regulates the manner in which deviants are treated.

Informal mechanisms of social control include the following EXCEPT______.

A.a high level of interest in ensuring conformity

B.expression of disapproval by significant others

C.withholding of positive rewards for the deviants

D.people’s internalization of norms in socialization
