问题 单项选择题

Passage Two

During the last thirty years, the international economy has experienced a basic change. Improvements in the Internet and other communications have had important effects on world markets. Faster methods of transport from one place to another have made the world seem smaller to the businessmen. As a result, the world no longer. consists of a number of separate economies under the control of different nations. Instead, the nations have been integrated into a single economy, and the integration is becoming more and more complete every year. For the first time in history, we can truly speak of a global economy.
The most dramatic example of this integration was the oil crisis of 1973 and 1974. It came as a great surprise to the public in the industrial nations to discover that they depended so heavily on imported oil. However, the best evidence for the growing integration is the rapid expansion in the volume of world trade. It went up by about 7% a year during the decade from 1990 to 2000, and in several quasi-industrial (半工业的) countries the growth was even more rapid. As a result, some imported products have become as common as domestic commodity. Some of them are too common for the public to any more realize they are foreign.
Production has also become international, which is manifested by the large corporations stepping across national borders and established branches and subsidiaries in several different countries. As an example, U.S. companies are building automobiles in Canada, Germany, Britain and Japan. In some cases, components of an automobile are produced abroad and shipped to the United States, where it is then finished with the imported parts. When even the United States has the largest number of such corporations, it is not the only. Other multinationals, for instance, are based in Japan, France, Germany, the UK and Italy.
Labor, too, is much more mobile than in the past. Both skilled and unskilled workers can now readily migrate from one country to another. In Europe, for example, there are large numbers of Turkish workers employed in the Germany Economy. Doctors, lawyers, and other professionals are also finding it easier to work in foreign countries. The labor market has become international, and the number of expatriate workers is continuing to grow.

"Expatriate workers" in the last sentence are those who ______ .

A.can’t find jobs in their own countries

B.leave their countries to live and work abroad

C.have to leave their countries for all their life

D.are professionals in medicine, law and other professions



解析:词汇题。根据上下文可以判断出本题答案。最后一段主要是讲劳动力流动增强,许多人都发现到国外工作越来越容易。最后一句话是总结:劳动力市场国际化,因此可断定expatriate workers是“到国外工作的人”,他们的数量会继续增长。所以B是正确答案。




材料一 但是,这并不是永久的胜利,克里孟梭说:“这是一个各自保持警惕的和平,是一个手扶剑柄签订的和平,是一个虽已签字但并未真正实现的和平……”威尔逊更是一针见血:“我们不久就会看到一场新的世界冲突,这场冲突的结果将不再是一场战争,而是整个世界的大灾难。”


材料二 1938年,一个叫张伯伦的老人得意地挥舞着一纸协定,向他的人民宣布“我带来了我们时代的和平”。但事实上……协定加快了世界大战的步伐。





材料三 战争的胜利,顶住了美国侵略扩张的势头,维护了亚洲和世界的和平,使新中国的国际威望空前提高。包括美、苏在内的世界各国都感到必须重新估计中国在亚洲和国际事务中的地位和分量。中国的东北边疆得到巩固,国家的经济建设和社会改革获得了一个相对稳定的和平环境。

——中共党史出版社《中 * * 党历史》第二卷(上)



(4)“持久和平”是“世界梦”的重要内容,实现这一梦想离不开世界各国人民的共同努力。试运用所学知识论述:中 * * 伟大复兴有利于世界和平的实现。(2分)
