问题 问答题

Is it the sole aim of most Americans to make money and possess luxuries which could be called excessive The majority of Americans would certainly deny this, though most feel proud to amass wealth and possessions through hard work. In the USA, about 90% of the population is well enough off to expect a brighter future. The USA still has one of the highest standards of living in the world, although, at the present times, 10% are below what the Government considered to be below the "poverty level. " While these under-privileged people receive help from the Government, they have no high hopes for their future. It is from this "underclass," and those who take advantage of it, that most of the violence springs—the violence, which is one of the least pleasant aspects of American society. Some believe that the only guarantee of security is wealth, and the only way out for the poor is to get money.



解析:难道大多数美国人的唯一目标就是赚钱并拥有可以称之为过量的奢侈品吗绝大部分美国人肯定会对此断然否定,尽管大部分人为自己经过努力而积聚的财富和财产感到自豪。在美国,大约90%的人口生活富足,期望更加光明的未来。美国生活水平仍为世界之最,目前,只有10%的人口生活在政府所谓的“贫困线”之下。这些贫穷人口虽然能获得政府的援助,但他们对未来并不抱过高期望。大部分的暴力正是源于这一“下层阶级”以及那些利用他们的人,而暴力是美国社会最令人不快的一面。有人认为,安全的唯一保障就是拥有财富,穷人唯一的出路就是获取金钱。 (1) Is the sole aim of most Americans to make money and possess luxuries which could be called excessive sole aim唯一的目标,句中的介词短语of most Americans作定语后置修饰aim; 不定式to make money and possess luxuries为句中真正主语,it为形式主语。Which引导的定语从句翻译时可译为“的”字结构。 sole为形容词,意为“仅有的,独一无二的,唯一的”,又如: You have to follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to his strict schedule. 你得跟着导游走,而导游的唯一兴趣就是按照他那一成不变的时间表,走过所有风景点。 (2)excessive意为“过量的,过度的”。又如: The food was bad and the bill was excessive in this restaurant. 这家餐馆饭菜很糟,但价钱又很贵。 (3)The majority of Americans would certainly deny this, though most feel proud to amass wealth and possessions through hard work. amass vt. 意为“积蓄;积聚”,又如: During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth. 每次战争垄断资本家们都大发横财。 (4)standards of living“生活水准” (5)under-privileged adj.意为“贫困的;生活水平低下的;下层社会的” (6)receive help from the Government“得到政府帮助”。介词短语from the government后置作名词help的定语,翻译时要提到所修饰语的前面。 (7)underclassn. 意为“下层阶级” (8)spring“发生;迅速长出;出现;涌出,冒出”,又如: Thousands of new IT companies have sprung up in the past couple of years. 在过去的几年里出现了数以千计的新IT公司。 Where did you spring from I didn’t see you come in! 你从哪儿钻出来的我怎么没看见你进来呢 (9)It is from this "underclass, " and those who take advantage of it, that most of the violence springs—the violence, which is one of the least pleasant aspects of American society. 此句为强调句,其句架为:It is from...who...that most of the violence springs—the violence, which is... 句中包含两个定语从句,前一个为限定性定语从句,可译为“的”字结构;后一个为非限定性定语从句,根据上下文需要,可以采取拆译法: 本句可译为:“大部分的暴力正是源于这一“下层阶级”以及那些利用他们的人,而暴力是美国社会最令人不快的一面。”
