问题 改错题


时期概       述问    题    探    究总 结










(1)封建专制主义的中央集权制度   (1分)罢黜百家,独尊儒术 (1分)

(2)大运河     (1分)     新疆        (1分)

(3)回族      (1分)   戚继光      (1分)    1684年   (1分)

驻藏大臣    (1分)      钓鱼岛、赤尾屿    (1分)







点评:本题难度适中,考察学生对历史问题的归纳和对历史知识的识记能力,中华文明博大精深,灿烂辉煌,从整个中 * * 发展的历史来看,中华文明适中围绕着民族融合和国家统一这两个主题运转,历史上中华各族人民团结一致,共同维护了国家和主权的完整,也共同缔造了中 * * 的历史,各族人民相互影响,相互借鉴,也共同促进了民族融合。

    Nowadays, a hospital always manages to keep its beds full. This is good on the one hand, and it's bad
on   1   hand.
    One day, I went to see a sick friend at the hospital. I first went to the   2   desk, where I could get a
permit to visit the patient. 
       3   I could ask which room my friend was in, the lady set down my name, age, filled out a form and 
  4   a bell. I was just about to tell her what I was coming for when two men arrived with a wheelchair,
   5   me in it and pushed me down the hall.
    "I'm not   6  ," I shouted. "I'm just looking for a friend."
    "When he comes," one man said, "we'll   7   him up to your room."
    In a minute I   8   myself in a small room. In no time they undressed me and covered some other things 
  9   me. One man said "If you need anything, press the button."
    "I want to get my  10  back." I begged.
    "Oh, you can  11  us," a voice said, "Even if the  12  happens, we will see that your wife will get
everything." They left and locked the door  13  them.
    I was trying to think of how to escape by the door when Dr. Ward came in with several of his  14 .
    "Thank God you finally came," I said.
    "It hurts that badly?" he asked.
    "No, on the contrary, I am not ill  15 ."
    Dr. Ward looked  16 . "If you don't feel any pain, that means it's much more  17  than we expected."
Then he turned to his students:"This is the most difficult kind of patient to deal with because he refuses
to  18  that he is ill.  19  he won't tell us where it hurts, he will never be well again until we find the hurt
out for  20  by doing exploratory surgery (手术探查)."
( )1. A. another      
( )2. A. meeting        
( )3. A. Before         
( )4. A. beat          
( )5. A. pushed         
( )6. A. well          
( )7. A. command       
( )8. A. felt         
( )9. A. on             
( )10. A. money        
( )11. A. upset        
( )12. A. best          
( )13. A. behind        
( )14. A. friends      
( )15. A. at all        
( )16. A. excited       
( )17. A. interesting   
( )18. A. add          
( )19. A. Before        
( )20. A. himself      
B. the other   
B. office        
B. After         
B. struck        
B. placed        
B. sick          
B. carry         
B. realized       
B. from         
B. clothes      
B. expect       
B. hardest     
B. before        
B. students     
B. in all         
B. worried       
B. comfortable      
B. settle       
B. Since        
B. themselves    
C. other        
C. information 
C. While         
C. rang          
C. pulled         
C. good          
C. order        
C. found         
C. up           
C. friend        
C. wonder        
C. worst         
C. beside        
C. relatives    
C. after all    
C. satisfied     
C. serious       
C. concern       
C. When          
C. ourselves       
D. others        
D. medicine      
D. When          
D. took          
D. invited       
D. healthy       
D. send          
D. understood                       
D. to            
D. form          
D. believe       
D. easiest       
D. by            
D. teachers      
D. above all     
D. surprised     
D. pleasant      
D. recognize     
D. As soon as    
D. yourselves    