问题 阅读理解


     Hello, everyone. Here is something important for everyone going to London next month. As you

know, you are going to stay with a family for two weeks. Now, the most important thing is money.

You should take about $530 with you. I think it will be enough for everyone. Then, when you arrive,

your new family will meet you. You must remember to wear a red shirt, so the family will find you easily.

They've been told you all wear red shirts. You'll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of

course, it's very important that you take the school letter. While you're there, if you have any problems,

you can call Leech School Office. I'll give you the office phone number now: it's 580-4436 and the

person to ask for is Mr. s Belcher. She's in the office from nine o'clock in the morning until five in the

afternoon every day. OK. That's everything. Have a good journey!

1. Where are they going to ?


2. How long are they going to stay there for ?


3. Why must they wear red shirts?

    Because the family _____ them _____.

4. What's the school office telephone number?


5. What could Mr. s Belcher's job be according to the reading?

    She could be a (an) _____.


1. To London

2. For two weeks

3. Because the family will find them easily

4. 580-4436

5. She could be a teacher / an officer

多项选择题 共用题干题

男性,20岁,未婚,某大学四年级学生,家在农村,排行老二,上有一姐,下有一弟。 自我陈述:近一年来记忆力下降,没精神看书,逻辑分析能力下降,紧张,害怕考试,害怕老师为难我,睡不好觉,白天没精神,食欲下降,身体也比以前瘦了,曾去医院查过内科和神经科,吃过一些药,没有效果。这半年更严重了,才来您这里。 了解资料:求助者的家长反映,该求助者自幼生长在农村,家境贫寒,为了让他上大学,姐姐高中毕业后就外出打工。因为自己的皮肤黑,同学给他起外号叫小泥鳅,上了大学后,拼命学习,立志毕业后找一个好工作,改变家里的境况。 咨询过程:经过收集资料,了解到该求助者一方面内心有点自卑、胆怯。另一方面又很自负,觉得别人没他聪明,有时也看不上老师,对有些老师不够尊敬,内心害怕被老师处罚。经过四次咨询求助者认知上有了改变,症状有了明显改善,顺利通过了考试。 提问资料: 求:我主要是精神不能集中,记忆力下降,逻辑思维能力也下降了。我是学工科的,逻辑分析能力不行,作业也没法做了。 咨:你还有哪些方面的问题,比如睡眠、饮食方面。或者身体的其他方面? 求:睡觉不好,晚上睡不着,常常做梦,早上醒得早,白天没精神。有时候耳朵还嗡嗡作响吃饭也不香,吃不多,最近…. 咨:行了,我看出来了,你的脸色也不好,你这段时间确实挺痛苦的,你先做个心理测验吧。 求:还需要做测验呀? 咨:通过测验,我可以对你的资料了解得更全面。你把抑郁量表、焦虑量表、SCL-90、MMPI、EPQ、UPI你都做做吧。 求:这些都要做么?少做几个行么? 咨:你怎么能嫌多呢,这不都是为你好么?





