问题 判断题

我国实行联合缉私、统一处理、综合治理的缉私体制,海关在打击走私中处于主导地位并负责与有关部门的执法协调工作。 ( )



解析: (海关法)第五条规定:国家实行联合缉私、统一处理、综合治理的缉私体制。海关负责组织、协调、管理查缉走私工作。有关规定由国务院另行制定。;各有关行政执法部门查获的走私案件,应当给予行政处罚的,移送海关依法处理;涉嫌犯罪的,应当移送海关侦查走私犯罪公安机构、地方公安机关依据案件管辖分工和法定程序办理。

单项选择题 A1/A2型题
     For a few years, I have been wearing a ring on my right hand. It's not always the__1__ring, but it's
always a ring that has__2__on it so that when I look at it, I'm__3__or reminded of something important. I
have made a__4__of buying rings like this whenever I see one in a store. Sometimes I give them away as
__5__to someone like Jennie.
     I first met Jennie in the __6__waiting room and we had talked several times. One night I sat down
beside her and __7__how her son was doing because I knew that he was in very__8__condition. She told me that she didn't know what to do any more because it seemed none of the__9__from the doctors was
good. They weren't at all sure her son was going to __10__the accident that had hurt him so badly. With
__11__in her eyes she said, "They're __12__my hope."
     I knew then that it was__13__just a coincidence that I was wearing the ring that I had on that day. As
she__14__to talk, I __15__slipped the ring off my finger and placed it in Jennie's hand. I told her to wear
it to remember that God loved her and He would be with her__16__all of this.__17__Jennie looked down
at the ring, she got excited and then held it tightly,__18__the word written on the ring was "HOPE".
     The last day I was at the hospital, I saw Jennie in the distance as I got on the lift. She __19__and held
up the hand with the ring on it as she called out to me saying, "Look, I __20__have Hope!"
( )1. A. special  
( )2. A. words    
( )3. A. admired  
( )4. A. plan      
( )5. A. gifts    
( )6. A. railway  
( )7. A. asked    
( )8. A. favorable
( )9. A. advice    
( )10. A. defeat  
( )11. A. apologies
( )12. A. keeping up
( )13. A. other than
( )14. A. continued
( )15. A. cautiously
( )16. A. over    
( )17. A. Until    
( )18. A. for      
( )19. A. shouted  
( )20. A. ever   
B. expensive  
B. pictures    
B. encouraged  
B. point      
B. prizes      
B. school      
B. explained  
B. normal      
B. news        
B. experience  
B. tears      
B. bringing down
B. rather than
B. refused    
B. quietly    
B. beyond      
B. While      
B. so          
B. waved      
B. only        
C. same        
C. names      
C. trusted    
C. list        
C. awards      
C. hospital    
C. thought    
C. serious    
C. instructions
C. predict    
C. anger      
C. cutting off
C. more than  
C. attempted  
C. nervously  
C. through    
C. Since      
C. yet        
C. cheered    
C. still      
D. valuable  
D. symbols    
D. puzzled    
D. habit      
D. thanks    
D. airport    
D. found      
D. excellent  
D. comfort    
D. survive    
D. doubt      
D. taking away
D. less than  
D. started    
D. shyly      
D. within    
D. When      
D. and        
D. hesitated  
D. Just