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《河北省2010年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》显示:2010年农业生产形势稳定。全年粮食播种面积628.2万公顷,比上年增加6.6万公顷,增长1.1%;总产量2 975.9万吨,增长2.3%。其中,夏粮产量1243.7万吨,增长0.04%;秋粮产量1732.2万吨,增长3.9%。全年棉花播种面积58.2万公顷,减少6.2%;总产量57.0万吨,减少5.8%;全年油料播种面积46.4万公顷,减少6.5%,总产量140.3万吨,减少2.1%;全年蔬菜播种面积113.9万公顷,增长3.4%,总产量7073.6万吨,增长4.9%,其中设施蔬菜播种面积28.7万公顷,增长31.9%,产量1765.7万吨。全年肉类总产量416.8万吨,下降2.3%;生猪年末存栏1846万头,减少6.2%;生猪出栏3 222.9万头,减少3.3%;牛奶产量439.8万吨,减少2.6%;禽蛋产量339.1万吨,减少4%。全年水产品产量106.3万吨,增长5.9%。其中,养殖水产品产量71.8万吨,增长8.3%;捕捞水产品产量34.5万吨,增长1.3%。

已知2009年全省设施蔬菜产量为1 268万吨,则2010年同比增长( )。




解析: 本题考查同比增长率公式。同比增长率=(末期-基期)÷基期×100%。因此,2010年的同比增长率为:(1765.7-1268)÷1268×100%≈39.3%。故选A。



Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to travel the Americas from top to Bottom. He got the idea after he finished a long bike ride. Gregg’s friend, brooks Allen, also liked riding a bike. The two friends talked and made a plan: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina—by bike.

To pay for the trip, Gregg and Brooks worked to save money for a long time. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors and ate cheaply. In many places, local people opened their doors to the two friends and gave them food.

On their way, there were deserts, rainforests and mountains. They visited modern cities and ancient ruins (遗迹) such as Machu Picchu in Peru. And they made many friends from all over the world.

In May 2007—two years, twelve countries, and over 30,500 kilometres later—Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina. (Near Guatemala, Brooks had to go back and Gregg continued without him.)

The trip taught both men a lot about traveling. What did they learn? Here is some of Gregg’s advice:

Travel light. You should carry many things with you.

Be flexible (灵活). Don’t plan everything. Then you’ll be more relaxed and pleased especially if there are problems.

Be polite. one traveler told Gregg, “Nobody wants to fight or cheat a nice man.” It’s true.

小题1:Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to _______________.

小题2:Before traveling, the two friends _____________to pay for the trip.

小题3:___________ got to Ushuaia, Argentina in May 2007.

小题4:According to the passage, if you plan everything for a trip, __________.

小题5:One traveler told Gregg that nobody wanted to _______________.
