治安工作社会化是人民群众在社会治安方面当家做主的体现,是人民群众广泛参与治安事务的一个必然趋势。 ( )
Which of the following statements about the financial statement effects of issuing bonds is least likely correct()
A. Issuance of debt has no effect on cash flow from operations.
B. Periodic interest payments have no effect on cash flow from financing.
C. Payment of debt at maturity decreases cash flow from operations by the face value of the debt.
⑴ 2个氢原子 ,⑵ 3个氧分子 ,⑶ 1个钠离子 ,
⑷ 4个硫酸根离子 ,⑸硝酸铵 , ⑹ 在氧化镁中镁元素的化合价为正二价 。