问题 单项选择题

Losing a job or not being able to find one almost always brings unwelcome changes. If you’ve lost a job, the first feeling is often one of shock. On top of the loss of income, many people find the whole routine of their life is shattered, their contact with other people reduced, their ambitions halted and their identity as a worker removed.
There may be good feelings too—it’s nice to be able to lie in bed in the morning, to spend more time with children, or to have more time to think—a better job may be just around the corner. But, unless a better job does turn up, chances are the days start getting longer and the time becomes harder to fill. Many people pass through periods of difficulty in sleeping and eating. They feel irritable and depressed, often isolated and lonely.
Despite all these problems, unemployment can be a chance for a fresh start. You can discover that it provides an opportunity to sort out or rethink what you want from life and how best you can get it. You can use the time to plan how to find a new job, learn a new skill, develop your hobbies, see if you can run your own business, do some voluntary work in your community or meet new people. It’s up to you.

The author’s purpose is to ______.

A.give the basic facts of unemployment

B.explain the reasons of unemployment

C.introduce new jobs to the unemployed

D.offer encouragement to the unemployed



解析: 本题考查主旨大意。本文开头先列举了失业的坏处和好处,并对此提出一些建议,使他们不再度日如年,而是整理思路、认真思索、充电、做有意义的事,这一切无非是为了鼓励他们。因此,答案为D。

不定项选择 案例分析题

案例五: 案例介绍:下午六点,心理咨询师正准备下班,来了一位年轻女士,要求咨询,咨询师告诉她,咨询是要预约的,请她改日再来,她说,那不行,今天无论多晚,都必须要为她咨询,口气坚定,不容商量,又说她担负重要的任务,时间很紧,还戏?地说,不就是晚吃会饭嘛,晚一会吃饭有利于身体健康,减减肥么。 心理咨询师观察到该女士二十多岁,衣着打扮正常,朴素,没化妆,表情令人难以捉摸。咨询师请她入座后问她需要哪方面的帮助,她没有回答,然后自言自语地说:这个地方五年前我来过,你可真有本事,中秋节会吃粽子,耽误时间了,地铁是动车出事故,你能把抑郁症治成精神分裂症,就这样,别啰嗦,开药吧。 以下是双方一段对话。 心理咨询师:你想开什么药? 该女士:维思通。 心理咨询师:为什么要吃维思通? 该女士:他们说这个对我有用。 心理咨询师:他们是谁啊? 该女士:别装糊涂了,就是精神病院的那些所谓专家们。 心理咨询师:你找他们看过 该女士:还住过院呢。 心理咨询师:那因为什么不继续找他们? 该女士:我就不是他们谈的那个病,我是心理问题,你不是心理专家吗?




