Canadian singer and song writer, Alanis Morissette,
is used to b________ in the public eye. Her album 1. ______________
Jagged Little Pill made her world f_____________. Last Thursday 2._______________
night, hundreds of fans went to England to see her p______
_________ 3. ______________
in concert. Although it was _____________(极其) cold, there was not 4. ______________
an empty seat. The first part of the song “Utopia” was f__________ with 5. ______________
anger, ______ the last part was joyful. The audience enjoyed the concert 6. ______________
very much. They ________ along to nearly every song. 7. _____________
_________(整个) the concert, the atmosphere was exciting. Everyone agreed 8. ______________
that they were greatly ______(打动) by her brilliant music and singing. 9. ______________
She _________the evening with a new song about the life of a superstar. 10. ______________