食品加工过程中会使用一些清洁剂、润滑油、燃料和杀虫剂,可能会造成食品的污染;( )
食品加工过程中会使用一些清洁剂、润滑油、燃料和杀虫剂,可能会造成食品的污染;( )
Riding a motorcycle is a popular way to travel. A motorcycle often has better acceleration than the fastest . A motorcycle can traffic jams and can speed ahead while the cars wait. A motorcycle is to run --- you need less petrol per mile for a motorcycle than for most cars. But this doesn’t explain why, for some people, motorcycles are a way to travel, they are a way of life. Everybody knows about the problems of riding a motorcycle. It’s quiet dangerous. It’s very uncomfortable too. However well dressed for a ride the motorcyclist is, wind and rain make the journey difficult and . And then, motorcycles often . But the motorcyclist doesn’t care! Take a look at any motorcycle magazine and you will have an idea of what motorcycling means to the enthusiast. The keen motorcyclist may sometimes think about the of his way of life. But he will still go ‘on the ride’ whenever he can!