问题 填空题


1. To save time. I suggest taking a _______ (直达的) flight to NY.

2. We are hoping our government will _______ (降低) the prices of houses.

3. I enjoy watching my daughter playing on the _______ (秋千) in the park.

4. At present, there's no certain c_______ for this disease.

5. Mike suddenly a______ that he would marry Anna.

6. Everybody should learn to s______ against difficulties.

7. Water p______ by all kinds of industrial wastes is not suitable for use.

8. After 90-minute's playing, we d_______ the other team.

9. Because they found what he said was c_______, most of them took his 

    advice after attending his lecture.

10. As winter a______, the weather becomes colder.


1. direct  2. reduce  3. swing  4. cure  5. announced

6. struggle  7. polluted  8. defeated  9. convincing  10. approaches



材料一 商君教秦孝公以连什伍,设告坐之过,燔诗书而明法令,塞私门之请而遂公家之劳,禁游宦之民而显耕战之士。孝公行之,主以尊安,国以富强。


材料二 商君之法曰:“斩一首者爵一级,欲为官者为五十石之官;斩二首者爵二级,欲为官者为百石之官。’官爵之迁与斩首之功相称也。今有法曰:斩首者令为医匠,则屋不成而病不已。夫匠者,手巧也;而医者,齐药也;而以斩首之功为之,则不当其能。今治官者,智能也;今斩首者,勇力之所加也。以勇力之所加、而治智能之官,是以斩首之功为医匠也。故曰:二子之於法术,皆未尽善也。”


材料三 大夫曰:昔商君相秦也,内立法度,严刑罚,饬政教, * * 伪无所容。外设百倍之利,收山泽之税,国富民强,……其后卒并六国而成帝业。





