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解析:解放思想和实事求是是辩证统一的关系。一方面,解放思想是实事奉是的前提。人的思想、认识必须随着社会实践的发展而发展;墨守成规,思想不能和变化了的实际相符合,就不可能做到实事求是。另一方面,解放思想的目的在于实事求是。解放思想是为了使思想和实际相符合,主观符合客观,达到实事求是。 (二)这一原理对指导我们当前的社会主义现代化实践有重要意义。第一,坚持解放思想和实事求是的统一,是我国革命和建设事业成功的基本保证。人的思想观念总是在特定的社会历史环境中形成的,是对特定事物的主观反映。事物在发展,人的认识也必须随之发展,否则旧的认识就会成为条条框框,成为阻碍人们正确认识事物、解决问题的障碍。在当前的社会主义现代化建设的实践中,新情况、新问题层出不穷,我们只有坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,才能正确认识和解决前进道路上的问题,加快社会主义现代化建设的步伐;第二,坚持解放思想、实事求是的统一,才能在实际工作中防止主观主义、教条主义、经验主义的错误,加快现代化建设的进程。

单项选择题 B型题

The conception of God and nature and of the relation of man to both provided the 18th- century philosophers with their faith in the worth and dignity of the individual man and the efficacy of human reason. The 18th century was the moment in history when men experienced the first flush and freshness of the idea that man is master of his own fate; the moment in history, also, when this emancipating idea, not yet brought to the harsh test of experience, could be accepted with unclouded optimism.
Never had the nature seemed less mysterious, more simply constructed, more open and visible and eager to yield its secrets to common-sense questions. Never had the nature of man seemed less perverse, or the intelligence and will of men more pliable (yielding) to rational persuasion. Never had social and political evils seemed so wholly the result of ignorance and superstition, or so easily corrected by the spread of knowledge and the construction of social institutions on a rational plan.
The first task of political science was to discover the natural rights of man, the second to devise the form of government best suited to secure them. And for accomplishing this high task, for creating and maintaining a society founded on justice and equality, the essential freedom was freedom of the mind.

The initial words of this passage, "the conception of God and nature", refer certainly to ______ .

A.God and nature as concepts created by humans

B.the initial creation of the nature by God

C.the creation of God Himself by human beings

D.the thinking of God and nature by humans