问题 阅读理解


     These two letters appeared in a newspaper. Both writers have their own ideas on zoos.

                                                      Zoos Do a Good Job

     It is good to keep animals in zoos. I know a lot of people think it is wrong to keep animals in zoos.

However, I believe that zoos have many good points.

     Firstly, zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all the world. Without

zoos, most people would never see a real bear or tiger.

     Secondly, zoos. look after the animals very well. The animals are given food and cleaned regularly

(定期). In the wild, it is not always possible for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes hungry.

But animals kept in zoos never go hungry.

     Thirdly, zoos protect the animals they look after. They offer them safe places to live in. In the wild,

some kinds of animals are in danger of becoming extinct (灭绝). But zoos give these animals a chance

tolive. Without zoos, there would be fewer kinds of animals in the world.

                                                                                                                   Maria Smith

                                                        Zoos Are Unnatural

     In Maria's letter, she says that zoos are good for animals. I'm afraid that zoos are not good for

animals, they are only good for people.

     It is unnatural and unfair to keep wild animals in cages. Most animals are kept in cages that

are too small for them. In the wild, these animals would travel freely. In zoos. they can't do this. This is

why the bears and tigers always look so sad.

     Most cages are not very clean, either. It is true that zoos give the animals food regularly, but this is

not natural. Wild animals are used to l00 — king for them own food. We should treat animals in the

same way that we treat other people-with respect. Would anyone be happy if you don't let him go

outside his home? Would Maria like to have lots of people standing .outside her flat l00 -king at

her? No, she wouldn't. And animals don't like it, either.

                                                                                                                      Philip Black

根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误 (F) 。

( )1. Maria and Philip have quite different ideas on keeping animals in zoos.

(     )2. In Maria's opinion (观点), a real bear or tiger can only be seen in zoos.

(     )3. Maria thinks that animals live better in zoos than in the wild.

(     )4. According to Philip, if cages are big and clean enough, tigers and bears will look happy.

(     )5. In the two letters, they are discussing how to make animals in zoos happy.


1-5: TFTFF



我们要了解和评判一个作者,应该知道他那时代对于他那一类作品的意见,这些意见就是后世文艺批评史的材料,而在当时表示一种文艺风气。一个艺术家总在某些社会条件下创作,也总在某种文艺风气里创作。这个风气影响到他对题材、体裁、风格的去取,给予他以机会,同时也限制了他的范围。就是抗拒这个风气的人也受到它负面的支配,因为他不得不另出手眼来逃避或矫正他所厌恶的风气。正像列许登堡所说,模仿有正有负,亦步亦趋是模仿,“反其道而行也是模仿”;圣佩韦也说,尽管一个人要推开自己所处的时代,仍然免不了和它接触,而且接触得很着实。所以,风气是创作里的潜势力,是作品的背景, 而从作品本身不一定看得清楚。 我们阅读当时人所信奉的理论,看他们对具体作品的褒贬好恶,树立什么标准,提出什么要求,就容易了解作者周围的风气究竟是怎么一回事,好比从飞沙、麦浪波纹里看出了风的姿态。





