问题 阅读理解
     Americans like to have different kinds of parties. They think having a party is a good way for their family members and friends to get together. They can also have a lot of fun at parties. Below are some important
parties in the US. 
Birthday Party:
     When people have a birthday coming up, they often have aparty.
House warming Party:
     When people move to a new house, they often have a party.And they invite a lot of friends to the new
Baby Shower:
     A few days before the baby is born the new mother's friends come to throw a party for her.They bring
presents and money to give the mother and her baby.
Farewell Party(欢送会):
     This party is thrown when someone is going to leave a place or a job. During the party, friends say goodbye to each other and give best wishes to the leavingperson.
(2)_________Whenpeoplehaveabirthdaycomingup, theyoftenhaveaparty.
HousewarmingPartyWhenpeoplemovetoanewhouse,they (3)_________lotsoffriendstohaveaparty.
FarewellPartyThispartyisthrown(5)_________ someoneisgoingtoleaveaplaceorajob.

1. America 2. Birthday Party 3. invite 4. Baby Shower 5. when
