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解析:媒体肩负着弘扬社会正气、通达社情民意、引导社会热点、疏导公众情绪等重则,是政府与人民之间重要的桥梁,政府应该增强对媒体的管理、监督。记着作为媒体文字直接的操作者,理所应当的成为管理监督的主要对象。针对有部分媒体、记者存在失实报道,影响公众秩序的问题。市政府决定展开警示教育是必要的、也是及时的,在对待媒体的态度上,政府始终坚持善待、善用、善管的基本原则。此次活动由我牵头组织,我将分以下几部进行: 第一,我会先确定这次活动将以"我承诺,我诚信"为主题,进行一次以政府为主的宣讲活动。 第二,我会通知本市所有登记在册的报纸及时事类杂志的法人,根据自己企业的规模,令其至少选派一名、最多选派三名一线记者以及内容编辑参会。由于本市报纸有多家,我将租用一处位于市中心,相对比较好找的礼堂进行宣讲,而这次的会议也会定在工作日周二的上午,即避免了一般企业的周一例会,又在工作日期间能够引起各企业的足够重视。 第三,对于这次宣讲,我会准备相应的视频和文字材料,供各单位提前以及会议当天学习,并配以印有宣传主题的笔和本作为参加我们这次活动的宣传和纪念。整体前期计划完成之后,我会附上财务预算表报给我的领导审批。 第四,在活动的进行中,我会和各方面工作人员做好沟通和配合,防止有突发情况,可以及时处理。对于活动的整个过程,我都会安排工作人员做好记录,摄影摄像的工作,以便后期使用。为了使与会者能够更深刻的领会我们的主题,我们安排官方人员的数据统计讲演,专家的道德引导,以及该造假记者的个人检讨,为了让大家更好的参与其中,我还会安排小组讨论环节,给每小组留几个问题,让大家讨论后,给我意见。 需要强调的是,整个宣讲不仅仅是为了警示媒体行业、媒体人在报道中的客观真实,也要号召整个媒体担负起更多的社会责任,要为社会正能量的传播做出应有贡献。最后,整个活动结束后,我会总结下活动中是不是有一些需要改善的地方,如果有在下一次活动中一定会改正。为了保证活动的效果,我也会让参与记者,完成一次报告及报道,并向自己的企业进行宣贯,宣贯的过程要全程录像并回传。对于这次活动,我们会把活动中的照片辅以文字在网站上宣传,对于这种有积极意义的活动,我们仍然会不定期的举行。



     In the USA Forbes magazine has published its annual list of the richest people in the world. Bill Gates of

Microsoft is the richest man again for the eleventh successive year with a fortune of forty four billion dollars.   

     There are a record 691 dollar billionaires according to Forbes magazine. Between them they have a fortune

of two point two trillion dollars. The highest concentration of the ultra-rich is in New York followed by

Moscow and San Fransisco and then London and Los Angeles. But in total the very wealthy live in forty seven

different countries with Iceland Kazakstan Ukraine and Poland entering the list for the first time this year.   

     Laksmi Mittal, an Indian born steel tycoon (巨头) enjoyed the biggest increase in personal fortune. His net

worth has quadrupled (变成四倍) to thirteen billion dollars making him the world's third richest man. Ingvar

Kamprad founder of the Swedish furniture chain Ikea also saw a big increase in wealth taking him to the sixth

place. Developing countries make more of a showing than in past years - there are for example three Russians

and four Indians in the top sixty richest people, though surprisingly perhaps none from China excluding Hong

Kong. Asian wealth is probably under represented as its usually spread among families whereas Forbes looks

at individuals. Relatively few women feature in the list - among them is JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter

novels ranked 620th with a fortune of 519 million dollars. New entrants to the list include the founders of the

Internet search group Google Sergie Brin and Larry Page each worth more than seven billion dollars after their

company's recent stock market debut. The richest Italian is the prime minister Silvio Berlusconi ranked number

25 in the global wealth league.

1. Which of the following persons has the largest fortune according to this year's Forbes magazine?

A. Laksmi Mittal.

B. Ingvar Kamprad.

C. JK Rowling.

D. Silvio Berlusconi.

2. There are about _____ persons with a fortune between 100 million dollars and 519 million dollars in the world.

A. 300

B. 180

C. 70

D. 150

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. No Chinese has entered the top sixty richest people in the world.

B. Russia is a developing country.

C. This is the first time that Sergie Brin and Larry Page has been included in the list.

D. There are more billionaires (亿万富翁) in New York than any other city in the world.

4. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. There are more billionaires in London than in Moscow.

B. Ukraine is a very rich country in the world.

C. JK Rowling's novels have sold very well.

D. The IT industry is a profit making industry.