问题 单项选择题

某省A矿系私营企业,该矿仅有一个与地面出口直接相连的通道,没有按规定设置行人通道,没有独立的通风系统。因该矿主井筒中盲竖井井壁变形,后经承包人李某、生产矿长王某、主井生产矿长胡某共同协商,并经法人代表人赵某同意,进行简单维修后,在存在严重安全隐患的情况下仍安排工人进行生产。2007年3月14日4时许,因罐体卡在井壁卜,负责维修的牛某违章作业,当日8时30分许,导致井下发生火灾,致该矿井下作业的19名工人中9人死亡。同时由于该矿及相邻的其他铁矿长期越界开采,导致井下巷道贯通,风流紊乱,烟气蔓延,且各矿均没有设置井下作业人员逃生的安全通道,没有基本的安全保障措施,直接导致事故的升级和扩大,造成相邻的多个矿井共70名矿工死亡的严重后果。  根据上述案情,回答以下问题: 李某、王某、胡某、赵某的行为应当如何定性( )







解析:[考点] 重大劳动安全事故罪的认定及与相关犯罪的区别 重大劳动安全事故罪与重大责任事故罪两罪都有重大事故的发生,并且行为人对重大事故的发生都是一种过失的心理态度,但两者有明显区别。需要注意的是根据刑法修正案 (六)修正后的第135条的规定,只要安全生产设施或者安全生产条件不符合国家规定,因而发生重大伤亡事故或者造成其他严重后果的,直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员即构成重大劳动安全事故罪。重大劳动安全事故罪是一种不作为犯罪;重大责任事故罪在客观方面表现为厂矿企业、事业单位的职工不服从管理、违反规章制度,或者生产作业的领导、指挥人员强令工人违章冒险作业,是作为形式的犯罪。所以本案中,李某、王某、胡某、赵某的行为构成重大劳动安全事故罪。所以C正确,A是错误的。




GUANGZHOU: The successful Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival has become a perfect stage to showcase the popularity of Guangdong and Pan Pearl River Delta (PPRD) region as a tourism destination, said Tang Bingquan, vice-governor of Guangdong Province.

According to the provincial tourism administration of Guangdong, more than 40,000 people attended the opening ceremony of the festival. More than 1, 000 high-ranking officials from the central government and Guangdong provincial government, World Tourism Organization, consulates (领事馆) of various countries in Guangzhou, and other provinces of China, also showed up in the ceremony. The activities in the past few days attracted a large number of visitors from home and abroad.

In the past 30 years, Guangdong Province has been one of the leaders in the nation in terms of economic development. Its average annual economic growth maintained a rate of 13.8 percent, according to Tang.

Last year, Guangdong’s gross domestic product (GDP) hit 330 billion, accounting for one-eighth of the total of the country. The province’s import and export volume hit 527.2 billion, accounting for one-third of the country’s total foreign trade volume.

Guangdong Governor Huang Huahua earlier predicted that the province’s GDP will surpass that of Taiwan by the end of this year.

“Guangdong is also leading the development of the whole country’s tourism industry,” Tang said.

Last year, Guangdong’s tourism revenue (年收入) hit 212.5 billion, occupying one-fourth of the country’s total tourism income. The net profit of the province’s tourism industry was 7.5 billion, which was one fifth of the nation’s total.

Tang noted that the tourism festival will give a further boost (促进) to the tourism development of Guangdong and the entire PPRD region.

The closing ceremony of the festival will take place tonight in Foshan, a city in Guangdong Province.                                          (China Daily Nov. 30, 2007)

56. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Event to boost Guangdong’s tourism industry.

B. Guangdong -- China’s leading city in economy.

C. The increase in Guangdong’s tourism revenue.

D. The development of Guangdong’s tourism industry.

57. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The past 30 years have seen Guangdong’s fast development in economy.

B. Guangdong is one of the leading provinces in national tourism industry.

C. Guangdong’s GDP makes up almost 13% of the total country last year.

D. Guangzhou will be the host city for the closing ceremony of the festival.

58. Which of the following word is the closest to the underlined word in the text?

A. replace       B. survive       C. overtake     D. succeed

59. What is the writer’s attitude towards the event?

A. indifferent  B. neutral            C. opposed          D. supportive
