问题 不定项选择 案例分析题

一般资料:求助者,女性,22岁,未婚,大学三年级学生。 案例介绍:求助者是独生女,家境较好,从小受宠爱,父母管束严,很少允许她与同龄孩子在户外玩耍,从小学到中学,学习成绩一直名列前茅。上大学后,几次考试成绩都不理想。两个月前与同宿舍的一位同学因小事发生争吵,虽然事情已经过去,但总感觉那位同学跟自己过不去,为此,尽量避免与人接触,逐渐出现失眠。白天感到疲劳、头晕、没有精神,食欲差,注意力不集中,记忆减退,想尽快摆脱现状,就是摆脱不了,为此很痛苦,情绪变得急躁,常因小事发脾气。







参考答案:C, D





Possessing a car gives one a greater degree of freedom. With the building of good fast motorways, long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly.    小题1:   You will no longer be forced to rely on public transport and work locally. You can choose from a greater variety of jobs and probably changes your work more frequently as you are not limited to a small area.

Although you can afford to buy it now, you have to consider the future.    小题2:  However large the first sum you have to pay, you have to spend more in running the machine—the various taxes, the fuel, and of course the repairs. The last is especially endless. Any single repair may cost you thousands.

  小题3:   As more and more cars are produced and used, an even larger amount of poisonous gas is being sent out. Some of the contents of this gas, such as lead, can cause actual harm to the health of people. Many of the minor illness of modern industrial society, headaches, tiredness, and stomachaches may just arise from the gas.

   小题4:    It has been said that when a man is sitting behind the wheel, his car becomes the display of his personality. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind the wheel. They are ill-mannered and aggressive and selfish. All their hidden character seems to be brought to the surface by act of driving.

Traveling by car actually brings more inconvenience. Driving a car may be more comfortable than taking a crowded bus. But any advantage of driving a car is often gone in traffic jams, endless queues of cars through all the main streets.   小题5:   

A.Driving a car often brings out a man’s worst qualities.

B.Driving a car may cause many traffic accidents.

C.If you have a car, you can move around freely.

D.Considering this, I don’t support the use of more cars.E. A car may bring you heavy financial burden.

F. More cars can produce serious air pollution.

G. Knowing you are able to drive makes you more confident.
