Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, profound reflection has multiplied among international organizations, governments, business communities and the academia as a method for exploring causes of the crisis and ways for global and national economy. China’s economic achievement has arisen both cheers and boos, so does its future prospect. However, in this regard, we are clear in mind with thoughtful plans and firm confidence.We will adhere to the reforms in addressing problems relating to the development and continuously perfect the economic system in the socialist market. We will propel the thrive of social undertakings and preliminarily form the social security system covering urban and rural areas so as to gradually achieve the aim that students have access to education, employees to pay, patients to medical treatments, elders to good care and residents to housing.
【评析】 文本节选自第五届夏季达沃斯论坛中温 * * 出席开幕式时的演讲。此次演讲中,他清楚表明了关于中国未来发展的立场、政策,并传达了中国希冀与世界共同繁荣的美好愿景。 原文表述通俗易懂,语言具有中国特色。在翻译时应当抓住句子的本质内涵,切忌按部就班、字字对译。对于“学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居”这类表述,应当做到清楚明了,句式符合英文语法。此外,考生还应注意译文与原文文风保持一致。