问题 问答题

××矿煤炭生产任务繁重,产量超过核准指标。构成掘进工作面通风系统的巷道尚未贯通。虽然矿上安装了瓦斯监控系统,但瓦斯传感器存在故障,信号传输不畅。 ×日228工作面发生了冲击地压,工人在未断电情况下检修照明信号综合保护装置时发生了瓦斯爆炸事故,造成2人死亡,22人受伤,直接经济损失1968万元。经查,事故发生时找不到生产值班负责人,死亡和受伤人员未佩戴自救器和瓦斯检测仪,致使事故损失严重。 根据以上场景,回答下列问题:1.分析与本次事故有关的安全技术问题。 2.分析与本次事故有关的安全管理问题。 3.为防止类似事故再次发生,该矿应采取哪些整改措施



解析:1.分析与本次事故有关的安全技术问题 (1)掘进工作面未形成独立通风系统。 (2)工人检修电气设备时违章带电作业。 (3)因冲击地压造成瓦斯异常涌出,又没有独立通风系统,造成瓦斯超限,达到爆炸极限。 (4)瓦斯监测系统传感器故障,信息传输不畅。 2.分析与本次事故有关的安全管理问题 (1)超能力生产,导致采掘工作繁重。 (2)生产值班负责人脱岗。 (3)机电设备管理混乱,安全监测设备没有及时维修。 (4)没有教育培训职工正确佩戴自救器。 (5)下井人员未佩带自救器和瓦斯检测仪。 3.为防止类似事故再次发生,该矿应采取的整改措施 (1)加强技术管理,保证采掘平衡,生产和通风系统完整畅通。 (2)完善瓦斯监控系统等技术装备,并始终保持良好状态。 (3)采取技术措施,预测预报冲击地压等自然灾害。 (4)加强对工人的培训教育,提高工人技术水平和安全意识,自觉使用自救设备。 (5)坚持“先抽后采,以风定产,监测监控” (加强瓦斯测放,降低工作面瓦斯浓度)。


No revolutions in technology have as visibly marked the human condition as those in transport. Moving goods and people, they have opened continents, transformed living standards, spread diseases, fashions and folk around the world. Yet technologies to transport ideas and information across long distances have arguably achieved even more they have spread knowledge, the basis of economic growth.
The most basic of all these, the written word, was already ancient by 1000. By then China had, in basic form, the printing press, using carved woodblocks. But the key to its future, movable metal type, was four centuries away. The Chinese were hampered by their thousands of ideograms. Even so, they quite soon invented the primitive movable type, made of clay, and by the 13th century they had the movable wooden type. But the real secret was the use of an easily cast metal.
When it came, Europe-aided by simple Western alphabets-leapt forward with it. One reason why Asia’s civilizations, in 1000 far ahead of Europe’s, then fell behind was that they lacked the technology to reproduce and diffuse ideas. On Johannes Gutenberg’s invention in the 1440s were built not just the Reformation and the Enlightenment, but Europe’s agricultural and industrial revolutions too.
Yet information technology on its own would not have got far. Literally: better transport technology too was needed. That was not lacking, but here the big change came much later: it was railways and steamships that first allowed the speedy, widespread dissemination of news and ideas over long distances. And both technologies in turn required people and organizations to develop their use. They got them: for individual communication, the postal service; for wider publics, the publishing industry.
Throughout the 19th century, the postal service formed the bedrock of national and international communications. Crucial to its growth had been the introduction of the stamp, combined with a low price, and payment by the sender. Britain put all three of these ideas into effect in 1840.
By then, the world’s mail was taking off. It changed the world. Merchants in America’s eastern cities used it to gather information, enraging far-off cotton growers and farmers, who found that New Yorkers knew more about crop prices than they did. In the American debate about slavery, it offered abolitionists a low-cost way to spread their views, just as later technologies have cut the cost and widened the scope of political lobbying. The post helped too to integrate the American nation, tying the newly opened west to the settled east.
Everywhere, its development drove and was driven by those of transport. In Britain, travelers rode by mail coach to posting inns. In America, the post subsidized road-building. Indeed, argues Dan Schiller, a professor of communications at the University of California, it was the connection between the post, transport and national integration that ensured that the mail remained a public enterprise even in the United States, its first and only government-ran communications medium, and until at least the 1870s, the biggest organization in the land.
The change has not only been one of speed and distance, though, but of audience. About 200 years ago, a man’s words could reach no further than his voice, not just in range but in whom they reached. But, for some purposes, efficient communication is mass communication, regular, cheap, quick and reliable. When it became possible, it transformed the world.

What can the postal service do

A.Colleting market prices of goods.

B.Spreading ideas at a low cost.

C.Promoting political lobbying.

D.All of the abov