问题 问答题



参考答案:同事之间团结协作、互敬互助的关系有助于营造一个和谐的工作氛围,更有助于工作的更好开展。面对题目中的问题,我首先会认真核实情况,如果确实如题所述,工作没有做好,而我作为项目负责人,理应承担责任,面对领导的批评我会虚心的接受,勇于承担工作中的失误。并且做好这次工作的工作总结,把工作的分工向领导进行如实汇报。同时,及时组织项目组的成员采取补救措施,尽最大努力保证项目的完成。  但我也会认真反思出现问题的原因。针对小李没有很好的完成工作,并向领导反映是因为我没有交代好任务,我应该保持冷静理性的态度看待,这可能确实是我在交代任务的时候没有交代清楚,给小李带来了一些工作中的障碍,最终使得项目没有顺利完成。如果确实如此,在以后的工作中,我会努力提高自己的沟通能力,并及时听取同事的意见反馈,避免类似情况的再次发生。  因为这是一个连续的项目,也可能是我在向小李交代任务的时候没有将前期的情况向小李做仔细的说明,这给小李后续工作的开展带来了困难,导致了工作的失误。如果是这种情况,那么我会认真吸取本次失误的经验教训,以后交办工作的时候一定将整个项目的情况向项目的所有人员做全面、详细的说明,使项目组成员,能全面准确的掌握整个项目的工作思路,从而保证项目的顺利完成。  虽然前两个月的工作开展顺利,但毕竟是一个连续项目,而且作为项目的结尾阶段更是对整个项目的全面检查。有可能是前期工作中有一些隐性的问题,在前面的工作中没有显现出来,而在收尾阶段影响了工作的开展,如果是这种情况,那么在以后的工作中我也要学会对工作进行阶段性总结、检查,确保每个阶段的工作都保质保量,不会影响后续工作的开展。  这次事件既是教训也是成长的机遇,我一定会认真吸取本次工作的经验,并认真总结,在以后的工作中我一定会加强与同事的沟通和交流,并及时将工作情况和进展向领导汇报,关键时候请领导给予业务上的指导和帮助,从而保证工作的顺利完成!


When people talk of a virus these days, chances are that they are talking about computer virus that have the power wipe out all the valuable work people may have stored in their computers. Imagine, the virus has the power to make military systems, giant banks, airports, hospitals and traffic system come to stop!

What does a computer virus do? It targets electronic objects that are programmed. The virus spreads through connections between these electronic objects. For virus spreading experts, e-mail is a favorite method of sending their destructive (破坏性的) weapon.

But scientists warn that this is not the worst that can happen. There is more. People are also connected through phones. The next virus may actually target mobile phones, especially those that are programmed to do many tasks apart from just communicating. It would then be easy for a virus to infect those programs and create major disorder.

For example, these virus may have the power to record your phone conversations and make others hear them. They create problems with your electronic money accounts, or they could create a mountain of telephone bills for calls you never made. And that would be a disaster. A report on this was published in the New Scientist recently. 

One way out would be to have simpler phones with not so many different functions. This would mean there would mean there would be fewer programs for the virus to attack. But mobile phone producers are in a fix. People on longer want an electronic item to perform just one task. They want more and more functions added. That would mean more software programs to make the mobile phone perform all those functions. And that means the possibility of more viruses.

小题1:It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.computer viruses are not so as destructive as mobile phone viruses

B.people should be careful when receiving e-mails

C.people find it difficult to use electronic equipment correctly

D.having electronic money accounts brings people a lot of convenience小题2:Which of the following shows that your mobile phone is infected with a virus?

A.You can’t hear the person who answers the phone clearly

B.You can’t send e-mails with your mobile phone

C.your phone bill increases for unknown reasons

D.You can hear other people’s phone conversations小题3:What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A.Mobile phone producers have made no progress.

B.Mobile phone producers are proud of their products.

C.Mobile phone producers are faced with a difficult situation.

D.Mobile phone producers refused to fight against virus.小题4:For whom is the passage written?

A.Government officials

B.Virus spreading experts

C.Electronic scientists

D.Mobile phone users
