问题 问答题

On 1 April 2008, Bagus Bhd sent a notice to its members calling for an extraordinary general meeting to be held on 15 April 2008. At that meeting the following resolutions were passed:(i) A resolution to alter the name of the company from Bagus Bhd to Bintang Bhd. This resolution had the support of 80% of those present and voting.(ii) A resolution to appoint Jambu, aged 73, as a director of the company. This resolution had the support of 70% of those present and voting.Meera, a member, was inadvertently not sent a notice of the meeting. She became aware of the meeting only a week after it was held. She ply objects to both resolutions.Required:Advise Meera on the following:

(a) whether the validity of the meeting itself can be challenged on the ground that the requisite notice was not sent to her. (3 marks)


