问题 完形填空

完形填空  (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)  


The study of the effects of music on the mind and brain has been a subject of interest for many. The   16  has concluded that music does have positive effects on the mind and brain.

Music is found to affect the   17   of learning and thinking. If work is   18   by quiet and comforting music, it helps the listener think, analyze and work faster in a more   19  manner. Music   20   a positive attitude in the listeners and provides them with motivation(动力;动机). Surveys have shown that music brings about remarkable improvements in the   21  skills of students. Listening to pleasant music, while doing a difficult task, can make   22  seem easier.

Music has a   23   effect on the interpersonal skills of an individual.  24  that we face in life are often the result of lack of confidence and lack of desire to learn. Students’ poor academic results are often a(n)   25  of their lack of motivation and their disinterest. Music lessons during school can help the students   26  their mental block. Music proves helpful in encouraging young children to venture new fields.

Music   27   plays a vital role in strengthening   28  . Certain tunes are known to activate all the parts of the listener’s body, thus   29  him/her in the performance of other creative tasks. Music is found to give students the capacity to trust   30  . Music stimulates the brain centers that deal with thinking, analyzing and planning, thus strengthening one’s organizational skills.

16. A. newspaper   B. book   C. research     D. time

17. A. joy         B. process       C. beginning   D. task

18. A. accompanied        B. created       C. done   D. composed

19. A. inefficient(低效的)         B. efficient      C. interesting          D. boring

20. A. reduces         B. combines    C. takes   D. develops

21. A. academic      B. physical       C. original        D. historic

22. A. music    B. learning      C. lessons        D. it

23. A. positive         B. negative     C. passive        D. harmful

24. A. Diseases       B. Successes   C. Failures       D. Difficulties

25. A. income          B. outcome     C. improvement      D. progress

26. A. live        B. love     C. hate    D. fight

27. A. never    B. still      C. ever    D. also

28. A. responsibility          B. creativity    C. duty    D. intelligence

29. A. benefiting     B. constructing       C. damaging   D. worrying

30. A. others B. teachers     C. themselves         D. texts


16~30:  C B A B D      A D A C B     D D B A C


中国证监会于2010年8月受理了甲上市公司 (本题下称“甲公司”)申请发行认股权和债券分离交易的可转换公司债券的申报材料,该申报材料披露了以下相关信息:
(1) 甲公司2007年、2008年和2009年按照扣除非经常性损益前的净利润计算的加权平均净资产收益率分别为6%、5%和7%;按照扣除非经常性损益后的净利润计算的加权平均净资产收益率分别为5.6%、4%和6%。2007年、 2008年和2009年经营活动产生的现金流量净额分别为2000万元、3000万元和4000万元。截止到2010年6月30日,甲公司经过审计后的财务会计资料显示:资产总额为260000万元,负债总额为80000万元;在负债总额中,没有既往发行债券的记录。2007年、2008年和2009年的可分配利润分别为12000万元、16000万元和20000万元。甲公司拟发行公司债券80000万元,年利率为4%,期限为3年。
(2) 本次发行的认股权证的行权价格拟订为募集说明:B公告日前20个交易日甲公司股票交易均价的90%。认股权证的存续期间为12个月,自发行结束3个月后方可行权。
(3) 甲公司最近3年以现金方式累计分配的利润为最近3年年均可分配利润的25%。
(4) 2009年12月,甲公司现任董事陈某被上海证券交易所公开谴责。2008年9月,甲公司现任董事会秘书张某因违规行为受到中国证监会的行政处罚。
(5) 甲公司2008年度的财务报表被注册会计师出具了无法表示意见的审汁报告。

根据本题要点(4) 所提示的内容,董事陈某、董事会秘书张某的行为是否对本次发行的批准构成实质性障碍并说明理由。