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Eurasians: The New Face of Asia
Fusion is in, not only as an abstract fashion concept, but in that most grounded of realities: mixed-blood people who walk, talk, and produce even more multiracial progeny. Most strange of all, these hybrids are finding themselves hailed as role models for vast masses in Asia with no mixed blood at all. "When I think of Asia, I don’t necessarily think of people who look like me," says Declan Wong, a Chinese-Dutch-American actor and producer, "But somehow we’ve become the face that sells the new Asia."
So maybe Asia’s Eurasian craze is driven by the theories of that whitest of white men, economist Adam Smith. As the world gets smaller, we look for a global marketing mien, a one-size-fits-all face that helps us sell Nokia cell phones and Palmolive shampoo across the world.
"For any business, you can’t think locally anymore," says Paul Lau, general manager at Elite Model Management in Hong Kong, who has built up a stable of Eurasians for his internationally minded clients. "At the very least, you need to think regionally. Ideally, you should think globally." A global image helps sell products, even if no one but Filipinos would ever want to buy duck-fetus eggs or Thais the most pungent variety of shrimp paste. Yanto Zainal, president of Macsg09, a boutique ad agency in Jakarta, used all indos for a campaign for the local Matahari department store chain. "The store wanted to promote a more cosmopolitan image," he says. "Indos have an international look can still be accepted as Indonesian."
Channel V, the Asia-wide music television channel, was one of the first to broadcast the message of homogenized hybridism. "We needed a messenger that would fit in from Tokyo to the Middle East." Says Jonnifer Seeto, regional sales marketing manager for the channel, which began beaming its border-busting images in 1994. Star Veejay Asha Gill personifies the global look. When asked what her ethnic heritage is, Gill, a Malaysian citizen, simply shrugs. "Oh, who knows," she says. "I’m half Punjabi, mixed with some English, a little French and dribs and drabs of God knows what else." The 29-year-old speaks crisp British English, fluent Malay, and a smidgen of Punjabi. She grew up in a Kuala Lumpur neighborhood that was mostly Chinese, attended an English-speaking school and was pals with Malay and Indian kids. Gill’s Channel V show, broadcast in English, has a p following in Malaysia, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. "I’m Hitler’s worst nightmare," she says. "My ethnicity and profession make me a global person who can’t be defined in just one category."



融合不仅仅是一个抽象的时髦概念,而且有根深蒂固的现实基础:混血人在你身边行走,交谈,甚至生育出更多的多人种后裔。最奇怪的是,这些混血儿发现自己在亚洲作为角色模特大受那些非混血人的欢迎。“当我想到亚洲时,我不必想人们长得是否像我,”Decaln wong,一个中荷美混血演员和制片人说,“然而不知为何,我们已经成为推销新亚洲的脸孔。”
“对任何商业而言,你不能只想着当地,”保罗·劳,香港精英模特管理公司总经理说道,他已经为那些具有国际头脑的客户建立了一支稳定的欧亚混血儿队伍。“至少,你需要考虑一个地区。理想的情况是你应考虑全世界。”一个全球化的形象有助于销售产品,即使除了菲律宾人外,没有人想要购买鸭胎蛋,或者只 有泰国人最喜欢各种辛辣口味的虾面团。岩托·扎纳尔是Macs909——一家雅加达的精品店广告代理公司的董事长,他在当地的马塔哈瑞连锁百货店的商业活动中,动用的都是具有印度血统的人。“商店要促进一个全球化形象,”他说,“具有印度血统的人有着国际化长相,但仍能作为印尼人而被接受。”
“Channel V”是遍及亚洲的音乐频道,也是最先播送均匀混血信息的媒体之一。“我们需要一个从东京到中东都适合的使者,”该频道的地区销售市场经理詹尼弗·斯托说道,该频道在1994年播出了跨国界的形象。明星音乐主持人阿莎·吉尔代表了全球化的长相。当问及她的人种渊源时,吉尔,一个马来西亚公民,简单地耸耸肩。“哦,谁知道,”她说,“我是半个旁遮普人,混合有一些英国、一点儿法国、以及些许只有上帝知道的别的什么血统。”这个29岁的姑娘说一口清脆的英国英语,流利的马来语和一点旁遮普语。她在吉隆坡附近长大,那里大多为中国人。在一所英语学校上学,与马来人和印度孩子成为朋友。吉尔在“Channel V”的出镜是用英语广播,在马来西亚、日本和阿拉伯联合酋长国有很高的收视率。“我是希特勒最糟糕的噩梦,”她说,“我的人种背景和职业使我成为一个不能仅用一种人种定义的国际化人物。”
