问题 单项选择题

某企业2012年有一处地下建筑物,为商业用途房产(房产原值80万元),10月底将其出售。当地政府规定房产税减除比例为30%,商业用途地下建筑房产以原价的70%作为应税房产原值。2012年该企业应缴纳房产税( )元。







解析:解析:  该企业应缴纳房产税=80×70%×(1-30%)×1.2%×10000×10/12=3920(元)。


With only fish and birds for company, Eric Erden has been rowing across the Pacific Ocean to Australia in his 23-foot-long boat since he left California on July 10, 2009.

This is the first part of Eric’s trip around the world using only his own energy. He will row, bike, and walk without help from any motors at all. His plan includes climbing the tallest mountain on each of the six continents he visits, to honour the memory of a fellow climber.

He says he is doing this to show kids that they can achieve any goal, but he also hopes to have some great adventures along the way.

Storms and huge waves regularly force him in the wrong direction and even threaten to overturn his boat. “Sometimes I really feel scared,” says a somewhat embarrassed Eric. “But that’s part of the journey. I knew this wouldn’t be easy when I started.”

Protein bars give him energy, and he boils water to heat freeze-dried meals on a one-burner stove. A sun-powered machine removes salt from ocean water so he can drink it, but when that fails he sometimes tries to collect rainwater in a bucket.

He’s not bothered by any of the hardships. Eric sees the world as a laboratory where there is much to learn. And when his trip around the world takes him across land, he enjoys meeting people — especially children. He has already visited several schools and shared his story.

小题1:Why is Eric making this trip?

A.To encourage children to reach for their goal.

B.To learn to overcome various hardships.

C.To do experiments all over the world.

D.To honour the memory of a fellow climber.小题2:What does Eric plan to do on each of the six continents he will visit?

A.Visit schools to share his story.

B.Study the culture of the local people.

C.Climb the tallest mountain.

D.Cycle from one end to the other.小题3:How does Eric mainly get drinking water?

A.He boils the seawater on a stove.

B.He has brought fresh water with him.

C.He collects rain water in a bucket.

D.He uses a special machine to make seawater fresh.小题4:Which of the following words best describes Eric’s character?




