operator; operon
解析:operon:操纵子。是原核生物基因表达和调控的一个完整单元,其中包括结构基因、调节基因、操作子和启动子。B. Lewin在Genes中这样定义操纵子:“Operon is a complete unit of bacterial gene expression and regulation, including structural genes, regulator gene(s), and control elements in DNA recognized by regulator gene product(s).” operator:操作子。DNA分子上阻抑蛋白的结合位点,用以阻止相邻的启动子上转录的起始。B. Lewin在Genes中这样定义操作子:“Operator is the site on DNA at which a repressor protein binds to prevent transcription from initiating at the adjacent promoter.”