问题 判断题





       【甲】秦王欲以五百里之地易安陵,安陵君弗敢易!秦王不悦。安陵君因使唐雎使于秦。秦王曰:“天子之怒,伏尸百万,流血千里。”唐雎曰:“大王尝闻布衣之怒乎?夫专诸之刺王僚也,彗星袭月;聂政之刺韩傀也,白虹贯日;要离之刺庆忌也,仓鹰击于殿上。此三者皆布衣之士也,怀怒未发,休祲降于天,与臣而将四矣,若士必怒,伏尸二人,流血五步,今日是也。”挺剑而起。秦王色挠,长跪而谢之。 (节选自《战国策·唐雎不辱使命》)

      【乙】公输盘为楚造云梯之械,成,将以攻宋。子墨子闻之,起于鲁,行十日十夜而至于郢,见公输盘。王曰:“善哉。虽然,公输盘为我为云梯,必取宋。”子墨子解带为城,以牒为械。公输盘九设攻城之机变,子墨子九距之。公输盘之攻械尽,子墨子之守圉有余。公输盘诎。子墨子曰:“吾知子之所以距我,吾不言。”楚王问其故。子墨子曰:“公输子之意不过欲杀臣。杀臣,宋莫能守,乃可攻也。然臣之弟子禽滑厘等三百人,已持臣守圉之器,在宋城上而待楚寇矣。虽杀臣,不能绝也。”楚王曰:“吾请无攻宋矣。” (节选自《墨子·公输》,有删改)

1.下列各项中画线的实词解释不恰当的一项是 [ ]

     A.大王尝闻布衣之怒乎        布衣:平民。古代没有官职的人都穿布衣服,故称布衣。

     B.公输盘设攻城之机变      九:九种(攻城的方法)。

     C.怀怒未发,休祲降于天      休祲:吉凶的征兆。休,吉祥;祲,不祥。

     D.在宋城上而待楚矣         寇:入侵。

2.下面各项中画线的词意思和用法相同的一项是[ ]

      A.挺剑起        行十日十夜至于郢

      B.杀臣,不能绝也        然,公输盘为我为云梯

      C.夫专诸刺王僚也        子墨子九距

      D.仓鹰击殿上        子墨之闻,起

3.下列各项是对两则文言文内容分析,不正确的一项是[ ]






Tim Burton attempts to work his gothic magic over one of the best loved stories of all time—Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.

Alice, now 19, attends a party at a Victorian estate, only to find she is about to be proposed to by a rich suitor(求婚者)in front of hundreds of snooty(傲慢的)society types. She runs off, following a white rabbit into a hole and ending up in Wonderland—a place she visited many years before, yet she doesn’t remember. The white rabbit claims to have come back for Alice because she is the only one who can slay(杀死)the Jabberwock, the beast who guards the Red Queen’s empire. Alice remains completely unaware of why she is in Wonderland, and is confused about the fact that she had once visited Wonderland years before.

Now, Wonderland has changed into a dark, scarier place than it used to be. Alice then embarks on an adventure of self discovery, and to save Wonderland from the Red Queen’s reign(统治)of terror with the help of her Wonderland friends.

小题1:The story Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was written by____________.

A.Tim Burton

B.Lewis Carroll


D.the passage doesn’t tell us小题2: Alice runs off because maybe___________.

A.she doesn’t like that party

B.she is too snooty

C.she doesn’t like the suitor

D.she wants to get married小题3:In the last paragraph, the phrase “embarks on” means _________.

A.starts to do something

B.gets onto a ship

C.refuses to do something

D.finds something小题4:This passage would most likely to be found __________.

A.on a film poster

B.in a government document

C.in a novel

D.in an entertainment magazine