问题 探究题




(1)中国人民政治协商会议的召开,为新中国的成立做了准备工作。经民主协商,政协会议通过了具有临时宪法作用的《共同纲领》;决定新中国的国名为中华人民共和国,北平为首都,并改名为北京;采用公元纪年;以《义勇军进行曲》为代国歌;五星红旗为国旗;选举毛 * * 为中央人民政府 * * 。

(2)开国大典标志着新中国的成立。1949年10月1日下午,首都30万军民在 * * 广场举行开国大典,毛 * * 宣告中华人民共和国成立。




     Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it's good for us. It

keeps body strong.    

     When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Exercise means doingthings

with the body. There're many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games.

Make sure you exercise in the following ways : You have to like what you're doing.  Exercise enough but

not too much. It's good to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of

things until you find one, two or three sports that are suitable for you.     

     Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center. and they can play sports

together. How do you exercise?      

1. In order to keep healthy, everyone should                regularly.        

A. drink                      

B. relax        

C. exercise                    

D. work    

2. Which of the following sports can't we find in the passage?        

A. Fishing.                    

B. Running.        

C. Swimming.                  

D. Walking.    

3. What does exercise mean?        

A. It means doing things with the body.        

B. It means studying.        

C. It means doing lessons.        

D. It means playing.    

4. What can exercise do to the body?        

A. It can make the body strong.        

B. It can make the body healthy.        

C. It can make us sleep more.        

D. Both A and B.    

5. The phrase "fitness center" in the passage means "               " in Chinese.        

A. 减肥中心              

B. 健中心        

C. 购物中心              

D. 医疗中心
