问题 推断题


(1)向A中加入C 物质,则生成B,B为一种碱,A、B含有相同的金属元素,则C为____________。将A放入饱和的B溶液中,出现白色浑浊,该白色浑浊物为_________,发生反应的化学方程式为_______________________。



A.酸      B.碱   C.盐    D.氧化物   E.单质


(1)H2O或水       CaO + H2O ="=" Ca(OH)2      Ca(OH)2

(2)HCl      CaCO3 + 2HCl ="===" CaCl+ H2O + CO2↑(其他合理答案给分)

(3)A B C D E   (此空为2分,答对3个以下0分,答对3——4个得1分)




(3)根据题意,A是一种红色固体,能溶于稀盐酸,得到黄色溶液,由于黄色溶液是铁离子溶液,所以A是氧化铁。氧化铁可以与酸反应生成铁盐和水,如果B是铁盐溶液,C可以是碱,但不符合A、B、C中有两种为氧化物;如果B是水, C也可以是碱(氧化钙与水反应生成氢氧化钙),C也可以是酸(二氧化碳与水反应能生成碳酸),C还可以是单质(水电解生成氢气和氧气)。




AIDS’ Threat to Asia Grows

NEW DELHI----Just a few years ago, Mala was a typical middle-class Indian housewife. She cooked, cleaned and looked after her two small children.

Last year, her life took a tragic turn. Her husband died of AIDS; she was found out HIV-positive and her mother-in-law took her children away from her, saying they would get the disease. “When friends dropped for a visit, she would introduce me, saying, ‘She is my son’s widow. She has AIDS,’” said Mala. AIDS is now described as “explosive(炸药)” around the world. A study of a hospital in the port city of Durban in South Africa, where the world’s biggest and Africa’s second AIDS conference opened last Sunday, found that almost half the beds in medical wards (病房) were occupied by AIDS patients.

South Africa has one of the world’s fastest growing HIV infections, with 1,700 people infected daily, adding to the 4.3 million, or 10 percent of its population, living with HIV. Until now, Asia has been more successful in holding the AIDS virus than Africa, where the disease has killed about 12 million people.

AIDS is now threatening to surround many of Asia’s poverty-stricken countries. Countries in Asia, such as Cambodia, and Thailand, have HIV infection speeds over 1 percent. But the low speeds hide huge numbers of infected people, because of the population base.

In India, for example, 3.7 million are infected, more than in any other country except South Africa. In China, an estimated 860,000 people (the actual number may be a little larger), mainly drug users, live with HIV/AIDS. Gordon Alexander, a senior advisor for UN AIDS in India, estimates that the number hit by AIDS in Asia will climb about eight million over the next five years from about six million.

In many Asian countries, the battle against HIV is a social and cultural one against public discussion of sexual health put a nationwide media campaign into action to limit the speed of HIV through unsafe sex. Brenton Wong, an official for Singapore’s Action for AIDS, says the actual HIV incidence in the city state of 3.9 million people is at least eight times higher than official data. “Shame and deny is still very, very common so people are afraid to get tested and many times won’t even tell their families if they test positive,” said Wong.

小题1:We can conclude from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph that ______.

A.The official data always tell lies and cheat people to hide the truth.

B.3.9 million people in Singapore suffered from AIDS.

C.Singapore has a population of 3.9 million

D.The number of people infected with HIV is at least eight times larger than that of the AIDS patients in Singapore.小题2:It is judged that there are ______ people hit by AIDS in Asia or so.

A.4.3 million

B.6 million

C.8 million

D.3.7 million小题3:According to the passage, the main reasons that AIDS spread in Asia is through_______. 

A. blood

B.unsafe sex


D.drugs小题4:Which of the following statements is not right?     

A.The battle against Aids in many Asian countries is against their culture and

social customs.

B.Though the HIV infection in Asia develops with low speed, the infected number

is still quite large compared to other continents.

C.India has the second largest number of HIV infected people.

D.Aids might affect the poverty-stricken countries more severely.
