第二篇 本次会议是信息社会世界峰会的首次政府间筹备会议,既要处理程序性问题,又要处理实质性问题。开好筹备会,是峰会取得成功的重要保证。中国代表团愿就峰会筹备工作谈以下几点看法:// 一、要高度重视知识和人才问题。在未来信息社会中,知识和技能是促进经济发展的主要驱动力,是信息产业实现可持续发展的重要因素之一。广大发展中国家知识和人才的短缺是造成其在信息技术方面落后于发达国家的主要原因之一,也是解决数字鸿沟应重点考虑的一个环节。//峰会及筹备工作应研究建立人力资源开发创新机制,探讨如何通过各国现有的培训基地和培训资源以及互联网加强和改善人力资源开发工作,提高世界各国人民对信息通信技术的认识;政府、企业、学术机构应在人力资源开发培训方面建立一种新型的合作机制。//二、消除数字鸿沟需要世界各国共同努力。特别是发达国家,应切实负起责任,在互利合作、注重实效、成果共享、促进发展的基础上采取实际行动,在资金支持、技术转让、人才培训等方面给予发展中国家以积极有效的帮助,为缩小数字鸿沟多做实事,帮助发展中国家加快信息化进程。峰会及筹备工作在此方面应取得实际进展。// 三、私营部门、民间团体在各国信息社会发展中具有重要作用,参与峰会及筹备活动也具有积极意义。同时,须注意的是,峰会为全球信息社会发展制定政策方向和目标,各国政府理应在筹备进程中发挥主导作用,只有这样,筹备活动才能达到预期目标。// (节选自中国代表团团长沙祖康大使在信息社会世界峰会第一次政府间筹备会议上的发言)
解析:This is the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Both procedural and substantive issues will be addressed in this meeting. A fruitful Preparatory Committee is essential to the success of the Summit. Now, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, I would like to make a few comments on the preparatory work of the WSIS: // Firstly, we need to highly emphasize the importance of knowledge and human resources. In the future information society, knowledge and skills will be a major driver for economic growth and one of the major contributors to the sustainable development of the information industry. One of the main reasons for the gap between developing and developed countries in information technologies is the lack of knowledge and human resources, which is a key issue to be considered in bridging the "digital divide". // During the Summit and its preparatory process, we shall consider establishing innovative mechanisms for human resource development and explore ways to improve human resource development on the basis of the existing training centers and training resources as well as Internet so as to enhance infocom awareness. Government, business and academic institutions shall work together to establish a new cooperation mechanism in human resource development and training. // Secondly, bridging the "digital divide" requires joint efforts of all countries around the world. Developed countries in particular shall truly shoulder their responsibilities in helping the developing countries accelerate their application of information technologies and narrowing the "digital divide". Concrete actions shall be taken, on the basis of the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, effectiveness, achievement sharing and common development, to offer active assistance to developing countries in the form of financial support, technology transfer and human resources training. The Summit and the preparatory process shall make real progress in this regard. // Thirdly, the private sector and the nongovernmental organization do make a difference in the development of the information society. Their participation and inputs are important for both the preparatory work and the Summit itself. However, it should also be noted that since policies and goals for the development of global information society will be set during the Summit. all governments shall play the leading role in the preparatory process. Only in this way can we attain the anticipated goals in the preparatory work. // (Excerpts from the Statement by Ambassador Sha Zukang, Head of the Chinese Delegation, at the First Meeting of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee of the World Summit on the Information Society)