第三篇 我想从科学技术的角度讲一讲我自己对全球化的观察和认识,请各位指正。我看到的是,全世界大多数科技工作者,包括很多中国科学家、工程师们在内,都张开双手,欢迎甚至期待着全球化的到来。这一现象很值得重视。// 科学技术是人类现代文明的中心,是任何国家、民族发展和进步的动力,是发展经济,提高全社会劳动生产率的发动机。邓 * * 曾概括为“科技是第一生产力”。18世纪的产业革命是由科学技术发起的,使人类进入工业化时代,改变了全世界的生产方式和生活方式。// 20世纪科学技术的进步速度、创造发明的数量超过了人类历史上任何时期。工业化、机械化、和社会化的大生产代替了家庭经济和手工业作坊。//现在,自动化、信息化又置换和提升着传统的机械化、工业化,进一步提高了人们创造财富的能力。从家庭厨房到工厂、矿山,从村庄到国家事务,科技无处不在,人们须臾不能离开它。这是人类进步的大方向,谁也不能例外。// 生产力决定一切,科技又决定着生产力。培根说过,知识就是力量。今天的科技是人类智慧数千年来积累起来的荟萃,是全人类的共同财富。每个民族都为此做出过贡献,人人都有权享受她的恩惠。成熟的适用技术,不必重新做,已有的发明创造应早日普及推广。//土豆是爱尔兰人首先从南美洲引种的,传遍欧洲,又来到亚洲。小麦是从亚洲传到欧洲。由发动机驱动的机械从英国走向世界。互联网络现在从美国扩展到全球。再远点,很多古人类学家相信,今天全世界人类(包括欧洲人、亚洲人、中国人)的老家都在非洲,大家共同的祖母的遗骨可能就是古人类学家在埃塞俄比亚找到的取名“露西”的女性化石。// 没有人怀疑,今天的全球化有助于科技知识的高速扩散传播,这对每个国家是难得的良机,是福音,是人类历史进步的大潮流。// 全球化潮流有助于扩大基础研究和全球性重大课题的国际合作,使发展中国家的优秀科学家、工程师获得参与机会。如果没有这种国际性联合与合作,很多当代重大科学研究不可能实施,那将是人类的损失。// (摘自宋健在21世纪论坛上所作的“科技界张开双手欢迎‘全球化’的到来”的讲话)
解析:I would like to say a few words about my own observation and understanding of globalization from the perspective of science and technology and I look forward to your comments. What I see is that most scientists and engineers in the world, including many in China, welcome "globalization" with open arms. They even yearn for its arrival. This is an important phenomenon that deserves our attention. // Science and technology, the driving force for the development and progress of all countries and peoples, serve as the nucleus of human civilization, and the engine of economic growth and social productivity. Deng Xiaoping once said that "Science and technology are the primary productive forces. " It was science and technology that touched off the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. That revolution brought the mankind into the industrial era, transforming thoroughly the mode of production and way of life the world over. //The 20th century witnessed more inventions and discoveries than at any time in human history, as well as the fast scientific and technological progress. Mechanized and industrialized mass production has replaced household economy and handicraft workshops. // Now automation and information technology have replaced or transformed the traditional industries and further increased the human capacity of creating wealth. From kitchen to factories and mines, from villages to state affairs, science and technology are ubiquitous and indispensable in our life. That is the general trend of human progress. No one can possibly stay away from it. // The productive force determines everything, while science and technology determine productive force. "Knowledge is strength", as Francis Bacon says. Science and technology of today are the accumulation of human wisdom over the centuries. They are the common wealth of the mankind, for every nation has made its contribution and everyone has the right to enjoy the benefits. It is not necessary to recreate the mature and applicable technology. We should popularize the existing inventions and discoveries at the earliest possible time. // Potato was first introduced by the Irish from South America in the 16th century and then spread to the world afterwards. Wheat was introduced to Europe from Asia. Engine-driven machines were first invented in Britain and soon became popular worldwide. The Interact initiated in the United States is accessible to the whole world. // Some palaeo anthropologists believe that the human creatures, including Europeans, Asians and Chinese originated from Africa and that the most ancient great, great grandmother of all humankind today might be the female fossil named Lucy found in Ethiopia. // No one has ever doubted that globalization has brought with it the speedy dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge. Globalization creates a golden opportunity to every nation. It is a blessing and irreversible trend of human progress. // Globalization helps the expansion of basic research and international cooperation in global-caliber research projects, which will facilitate the greater involvement of scientists and engineers of developing countries. Without such international cooperation and coordination, many of the major scientific projects can in no way be undertaken. That will be a great loss to all humankind. // (Excerpts from Song Jian’s speech "Scientists Greet Globalization with Open Arms" at CPPCC’s the 21st Century Forum)